Biden: Friend or Foe
When the war started, the Biden administration went on the record before the world voicing his firm support of Israel’s military campaign against Hamas for the March 7th genocide/massacre. As we approach the 4th quarter, the Biden administration is pressuring Israel to succumb to a ceasefire (surrender and defeat), and to capitulate to the new conditions Hamas imposed – tearing up and reneging on the deal reached among world leaders in Paris.
Biden’s top administration aides are encouraging him to distance himself from Netanyahu and to be more publicly critical of Netanyahu over Israel’s military operation in Gaza. Biden has become so angered and frustrated over Netanyahu for not acquiescing to the new Hamas demands that according to NBC News, Biden called Netanyahu an “a……hole.”
Israel cannot agree on any condition for the release of the hostages but must look for the greater good of protecting Israel’s security. On the surface, one might think that the easiest and quickest answer is appeasement but really this will exacerbate its security and pose greater risks for its citizens. Hamas has openly stated they’ll continue to conduct more attacks like October 7th, a massacre and genocide second to the Holocaust.
Israeli citizens stand unified with the IDF against Hamas to complete its military mission to eradicate Hamas even to take over Rafah – the final Hamas hold out. Egypt is threatening Israel to break relations if they attack Rafah. The obvious reason is that Israel will stop and/or impede the illicit trade deals between Egypt and Hamas for all the goods passing the border and take over full security measure along the Egyptian/Gazan border.
Special Counsel Robert Hur issued a report in February on Biden’s handling of classified documents spotlighted his failing memory. Hurr noted that Biden could not cite the date of his son’s Beau death or what years he served as vice president. In addition, in a public speech, Biden called current French president, Emmanuel Macron the dead former leader Francois Mitterrand. Then, at a campaign event, he said he met Chancellor Helmut Kohl of Germany who passed away four years ago. He called President Sisi of Egypt, the president of Mexico. In a recent public appearance, he couldn’t remember who Israel was fighting against and after a minute or two he finally recalled to say Hamas. This is only a partial list of Biden’s ongoing gaffs which appear to be getting worse.
So, who’s making the decisions for Biden’s ineptness? About three-quarters of Biden’s top 100 aides previously worked in President Obama’s administration.
Israel’s most difficult years with the US were under the Obama administration. In 2009, after Obama was elected President in 2008, he made his first debut in the Middle East by visiting Cairo University to attend a reception instead of meeting with Israel’s leadership. Whether Republican or Democrat, the relationship between the US and Israel has always been a deep-rooted bond that has stood the test of time. For Obama to visit Cairo over Israel. At least he put his cards on the table was forthright on his angst toward Israel.
It wasn’t until 2013 that Obama made his first visit to Israel – five years later. If we look at Bill Clinton, a staunch supporter of Israel, visited Israel four times. His first visit was in 1994, one year after being elected US President.
Clinton was one of the best democratic presidents ever in the United States who came a hair way from making peace between Arafat and Rabin. By the end of his term, he was able to bring a surplus budget after inheriting a huge deficit from Bush. Clinton and Israel shared a warm bond not even close to that of Obama and Israel.
In October 2023, Obama was recently quoted in an online publication called the Medium where he stated:
It means acknowledging that Palestinians have also lived in disputed territories for generations; that many of them were not only displaced when Israel was formed but continue to be forcibly displaced by a settler movement that too often has received tacit or explicit support from the Israeli government; that Palestinian leaders who’ve been willing to make concessions for a two-state solution have too often had little to show for their efforts; and that it is possible for people of good will to champion Palestinian rights and oppose certain Israeli government policies in the West Bank and Gaza without being antisemitic.
Do I need to say more. This is of no surprise since Obama’s father, a Kenyan senior governmental economist, was raised Muslim including his stepfather.
It’s no coincidence that Biden’s frustration with Israel likely emanated from his staff’s anti-Israel attitude – a carryover of the Obama administration. Perhaps Biden’s about face change toward Israel is so he can garner the Muslim vote in the United States to support his 2024 re-election bid. In other news, the US had held up weapons destined for the police. In addition, they want to impose difficult onerous conditions and doling out weapons and money toward Israel’s defense – another knife in the back. Now, the administration has implemented sanctions against settlers in the Judea Shomron that want to fight back against Arab aggression. Are you kidding? Biden and world leaders are attempting to revitalize the 2-state solution as cure-all, are you sane? If this were put to vote among Israeli citizens, this will lose by large margins. A 2-state solution would be Israel’s death sentence.
So much for Biden – one day a friend and the next a foe of Israel. He’s old and tired who’ll soon be sent to the pastures. Israel must continue to follow their hindsight and instincts and not be deterred by adversity. In the end, the world leaders will be thanking Israel for standing courageous and bold risking the lives of their precious young soldiers to take out the Hamas terror organization in Gaza emblematic of Satan and Amalek.