Bishop-Altshuler: The Rematch
Now that we've seen the rematch of the Giants-Patriots 2008 Super Bowl, get ready for another high-stakes do-over between closely matched opponents.
GOP upstart Randy Altschuler, who hopes to join Eric Cantor as the second Jewish Republican in the House, is again challenging Democrat Tim Bishop for the seat in Suffolk County's 1st District, which has a long history of oscillating between Democrat and Republican representatives on The Hill.
The Daily News today reports that the National Republican Campaign Committee has named Altschuler, the founder of successful outsourcing company Office Tiger, as one of its top 11 "young gun" fundraisers for the 2012 election cycle. In 2010, he came within 593 votes of beating Bishop, with the outcome unconfirmed for weeks.
Read our 2010 interview with Altshuler here. Our attempts to interview Bishop at the time were not successful.
It will be interesting to look at how the 1st District is redrawn in the current reapportionment process.
Another interesting House race to watch: Queens Assemblyman Rory Lancman announced today that he'll take on freshman Republican Bob Turner in what will probably be known for some time as the Weiner district.
This time around, former Mayor Ed Koch won't likely be urging Turner's constituents to send a message to the White House by backing Turner. Koch has now endorsed President Obama.