Blind Britain promotes Palestine terror state
David Cameron, Britain’s shameful foreign minister, is picking on Jews to create, in his mind, a level political playing field between Israel and Palestinians in his pursuit of a fifty-year-old failure known as the two-state non-solution.
Cameron is slandering four Jews living in Judea and Samaria out of all proportion. Inflating Israeli disturbances while ignoring unrelenting Palestinian murders of Jews.
Here are the facts,
Moshe Sharvit was accused of riding his quad bike to scare away Arab sheep that had wandered onto his land. Cameron called this “an egregious abuses of human rights.” No one was injured. No one was killed. Not even the sheep.
Zvi Bar Yosef was accused of “intimidation and violence against local Palestinians at gunpoint” who were “having a picnic” on his land. No one was injured. No one was killed.
Eli Federman was accused of threatening Palestinian shepherds south of Hebron who had wandered onto his land. Recently, Federman was injured fighting in Gaza, and has since returned to combat in Khan Younis. He is considered a hero in Israel. Cameron thinks of him as a terrorist.
Cameron called them “extremist Israeli settlers threatening Palestinians” and said their behavior is “illegal and unacceptable.”
These isolated cases are proceeding through Israeli courts. If proven guilty they will be sentenced. Until then, they remain innocent until proven otherwise.
Cameron uses these individuals to brand hundreds of thousand Israelis living peacefully in Judea and Samaria as somehow criminally evil.
However, several hundreds of Palestinians who have murdered thousands of Israelis are not subject to Cameron’s retribution.
According to Cameron’s political measuring stick there is nothing “illegal and unacceptable” about Palestinians killing Jews.
As one of the founders of the Netanya terror victims’ group, I have the names of the Palestinian leaders who sent out their suicide bombers to murder my fellow citizens.
Why are these people not on Cameron’s list? Why instead is he smearing four Jews?
He is doing this to fall in line with the Biden Administration’s recent push to create a Hamas-PLO Palestinian state. And, in order to balance the diplomatic playing field, they have to demonize Israel by targeting a random few Jews who are living where they don’t want them to live.
Cameron is shamefully doing this after he toured the burnt-out kibbutz homes in southern Israel where over a thousand Jews were slaughtered, tortured, raped, and are still held hostage by Palestinian mass murdering terrorists in Gaza.
Yet Cameron wants to reward decades of murderous Palestinian terror, and picks on four Jews for his retribution.
For shame!
Cameron fails to bring sanctions against Mahmoud Abbas who incites hatred against Jews and pays Palestinians to murder Jews with his pay-to-slay policy.
Where are Cameron’s sanctions against the Hamas leaders, protected from justice by Qatar? There aren’t any.
Cameron witnessed what Hamas did with the money that Britain donated to Gaza when he visited Kibbutz Beeri.
Today he is not punishing Hamas or the Fatah Palestinian Authority. Instead, he is victimizing four Jewish families living in their ancient land.
In January, after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, personally told him that rushing to create an ill-advised Palestinian state in the middle of a war “would endanger the state of Israel,” Cameron ignored Israel’s concerns, returned to a Conservative meeting in the House of Commons, and confirmed that Britain with its allies “will look at the issue of recognizing a Palestinian state, including at the United Nations.”
“This,” he added, “would make this process irreversible.”
Days later, on a February visit to Lebanon, Cameron doubled down by saying that the UK could recognize a Palestinian state even without Israel’s approval.
The hypocrisy of this British Prime Minister, now foreign minister, who is trying to accuse Israelis of occupying our biblical heartlands is illustrated by him being the leading foreign policy figure of a country that some would see as occupying parts of Ireland, occupying Gibraltar claimed by Spain, occupying the Falkland Islands claimed by Argentina, occupying parts of Cyprus, and the Indian Ocean Chagos islands claimed by Mauritius as part of their nation.
Now he is trying to rip Israel from our land in an effort to give it to an unrepentant Palestinian terrorist state.
Neither Biden nor Cameron have stopped to consider the possibility that once this new Palestine is imposed on Israel it will forge alliances with all the bad actors of the world including Iran, Qatar, other radical actors in Africa and the Middle East, Russia, China, North Korea, certainly ANC South Africa.
Over a decade ago, in my book, Israel Reclaiming the Narrative, I dedicated a chapter to David Cameron who, as Britain’s Prime Minister, travelled to Turkey and made the most incredibly anti-Israel speech.
He portrayed Gaza as being, in his words, a “prison camp.”
If Gaza was a prison camp, Hamas were the prison guards.
Hamas controlled the trucks that flowed in Gaza from Israel and Egypt and we see what they did with the billions of dollars in aid money.
Cameron proved a decade ago why he should not be Britain’s Prime Minister. Then he declared Turkey to be a friend of Israel. Give me a break!
Cameron made this speech in Turkey after that country invaded, and still occupies, Northern Cyprus. He spoke as Turkey was slaughtering the Kurds. Yet he was in Turkey to press for their inclusion into NATO.
As Britain’s Prime Minister, Cameron gave both Hamas and Turkey a free pass. Today, Israel is bearing the consequences of his dangerous misperceptions.
Cameron, both as prime minister and foreign minister, must be acutely aware of his own and Britain’s abject hypocrisy.
The draft document of this promotion whitewashes Palestinian terrorists by calling them “technocrats.”
Israel is not buying that bluff.
Robert Gates once said of Biden that he has been wrong on every foreign policy issue he has touched. Anyone witnessing Biden’s blunders since becoming president has no difficulty agreeing with Gates.
I say the same about Cameron.
David Cameron is a danger to Israel and should not be making British foreign policy.