B’nai Brith Report Exposes Canada Helping Fund a Palestinian Textbook
A B’nai Brith report on Palestinian Authority (PA) schools claims that they are “indoctrinating” Muslim students to hate Israel, in the process, violating UN guidelines on education, and all the while being funded by Canada.
On September 21st, during a virtual press conference, B’nai Brith’s Chief Executive Officer: Michael Mostyn, and the Government Relations Director: David Granovsky, released the report B’nai Brith compiled which details the problematic curriculum being taught in PA schools.
For context, in June of 2023, the Government of Canada pledged to contribute up to $100 Million over the next four years to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestinian Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) to provide “basic education, health, and social services to Palestinian refugees.”
According to UNRWA over half their funding goes towards education. However, it is UNRWA’s current policy to adhere to the local school curricula. Therefore, in Gaza and the West Bank (areas which are under the management of the PA regime) UNRWA relies upon the PA curriculum, which was itself developed with subsidies from UNRWA. The B’nai Brith report claims that “The PA curriculum…. Is fraught with content that is designed to incite hatred against Jews and Israelis and promotes the erasure of the Jewish state.”
In contrast to Canada, the European Parliament and the United States have both individually taken steps to combat the PA’s divisive curriculum. The EU adopted a measure to freeze future UNRWA subsidies while the issue remains unresolved. The Americans, for their part, have introduced legislation to start monitoring the content of the textbook and “investigate the connection between American contributions to the organization and the promotion of antisemitism and the glorification of terrorism in the PA-designed curriculum.”
Through their investigation, Bnai Brith presented examples from PA textbooks that put the hateful curriculum on full display. These first photos show examples of the PA textbooks denying Israeli land claims on Jerusalem and the legitimacy of the state:

The Bnai Brith report correctly acknowledges that the content presented, as examples of teaching from within the Palestinian Curriculum, is in direct violation with the United Nations’ Department of Economic and Social Affairs: Sustainable Development Goals. UNRWA’s parent organization, the United Nations, has 17 goals of sustainable development, and goal 4 is: “Ensure INCLUSIVE and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.” Additionally, the PA’s divisive curriculum is opposed to the expressed foreign policy goals of both the United Nations and Canada: the promotion of a two-state solution and the maintenance of peace. The curriculum contradicts both these aims by normalizing violence against Israeli soldiers, and denying Jewish indigeneity (the origin of the Israeli land claim) to the region, labelling this as “false heritage,” as shown in the next photos:

Bizarrely, the PA textbooks also blame their own resource and infrastructure issues on the evil Zionists despite the fact that the Israeli Army pulled out of Gaza in 2005, leaving the PA to govern the region on their own. Thereafter, their choice to invest heavily in rocket programs rather than infrastructure is likely the culprit of their woes demonstrated in these photos:

Concluding their report, B’nai Brith put it to the Canadian government, asking them to complete a forensic audit of the country’s financial contribution to UNRWA to see if we inadvertently funded (and continue to fund) PA schools using this curriculum. Furthermore, B’nai Brith called on the Canadian government to cease the subsidization of this program so long as educational material that is in-part produced by the UN promotes terrorism and the indoctrination into hate ideologies.