Kenneth Cohen

Bringing Spirituality Into the Physical World

Rav Kook pointed out how the Avot, Patriarchs, merited the presence of angels in various situations. They appeared in the dream of the ladder of Yakov. They acted as messengers, and they escorted Yakov when he left Israel, and when he returned.

This was a proof of the high spiritual level that the Avot possessed. It was a reflection of the inherent holiness of the Jewish people, as opposed to the nations of the world.

Rav Kook went on to explain that Judaism allows the potential to bring spirituality into the physical world. He claimed that the other religions of the world are unable to make that connection. They may pray and worship in their own way, but there is a separation between times of worship and interacting with the physical world.

The Jewish people are taught to find spirituality in every single act. Aside from their being specific commands such as building a Succah, or making Matza, which are physical acts that become spiritual, our thoughts of spirituality, should be with us at all times. A student once came to me very excitedly, to give me important news. He told me that he didn’t just brush his teeth to have clean teeth. He brushed them so that his mouth would be cleaned when he uttered words of prayer.

We don’t eat or sleep for the sake of eating or sleeping. But we do these acts so that we will have healthy, rested bodies, better able to serve our creator.

The Rambam wrote that the Torah instructs us to “Walk in the ways of G-d.” This means, “to walk,” and not crawl. If we remember to think about G-d in all of our daily activities, we are elevating all that we do to a higher level.

This might be something that distinguishes Jews from the other nations. But, in any case, it is a worthwhile way to live our lives and “Be holy.” And, who knows, if we continue on this path, we might even have dreams about angels!

About the Author
Rabbi Cohen has been a Torah instructor at Machon Meir, Jerusalem, for over twenty years while also teaching a Talmud class in the Shtieblach of Old Katamon. Before coming to Israel, he was the founding rabbi of Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles. He recently published a series of Hebrew language-learning apps, which are available at