Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d


In a world of confusion, clarity is a breath of fresh air.

Clarity in everything — so that we are able to see the beauty in everything.

Because our world is inherently, intrinsically, fundamentally good.

Our world’s was created by G-d, Who is the ultimate of goodness.

Opening our eyes to the wonders and magnificence in His work, enables us to connect with the beauty and goodness within ourselves.

We are part of His creation. We are partners. We see the beauty, and spread it everywhere.

We bring clarity to creation, by recognizing and connecting to the clarity that exists around us and within us. By absorbing and integrating the G-liness that we see, we radiate it all around us.

We dispel the confusion, as we open our eyes to His creation.

And when people become aware of G-d and His Omnipresence, they incorporate this awareness within themselves and their fellows, to do what G-d wants, and to bring peace and unity to the world. Indeed even now, as everyone acknowledges recent miraculous events, America and the world have awakened to the urgency of dispelling division and promoting unity and peace.

And very soon, as Isaiah (11; 9) prophesied, “The world will be filled with knowledge of G-d, just as the waters cover the sea.”

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for