Community And Integrity
I heard someone say, “I don’t discuss politics.” I started to wonder what kind of life this man must be living. Is the reason for his decision based on past experiences or is it simply because he has more real and important things to keep on his mind throughout his precious time here on earth? What are the things that occupy his mind, and most of all I wanted to know, is he replacing the stress of politics with something else? So I asked him, “Tell me, with what do you keep your mind occupied?” He said, “Listen to this story I’m about to tell you and you’ll awaken to a brighter future.”
“In the city I grew up in there was a man who ran the largest horse stable around. People from around town would leave their horses, donkeys and mules under his care, they knew that his care is unlike any other and that he looks at each one as his own. He would feed, run and nurture them, making sure that they’re all taken care of with no shortcuts. He charged a modest price for his services but his family, especially his son Daniel, were so devoted to the work that they would saddle the horses at 2am and prepare a bag of food for three days when the clients’ needs arose.
One September morning after a rainstorm one of the townsfolk released an elk into the stable and it caused chaos. Its mighty antlers crashed the stable, its strong feet created ditches in the mud, wreaking havoc throughout. The man heard the commotion, but by the time he had come to save the situation one of the strongest horses from one of his wealthiest clients was impaled to death by the elk’s huge antlers. If this was his only problem he would probably figure something out, but as he took a closer look he saw the baker’s horse stuck in a hole with a broken leg. It didn’t take long and the news spread like wildfire, each person with their own story, and every man with their own interpretation.
It was an accident! No, it was a malicious act! Everybody had a rhyme for their opinion. But the truth was still unknown. Daniel, the son of the rancher, decided to take matters into his own hands. He promised the people that their horses were safe and that they would hire guards to protect the area and install new locks to keep the horses secure in their bunks. But that didn’t deter Mr. Forsythe from opening his brand new, top of the line, horse stable. Each person with their own opinion made the best decision for themselves, and before you knew it, more than three quarters of his clients upped and left for the new stables and the desired low prices Forsythe offered.
The few loyal customers kept telling the man, “Don’t worry, we believe your misfortune, but you also have to understand the others for leaving. Their horses are their mode of transportation, it is their source of income etc. they want to be sure that their assets are protected and taken care of. Yes, you have done a great job for so many years and that’s why we aren’t leaving you, but you have to understand the others who chose otherwise.” But the strongest punch in the gut wasn’t when the wealthy man removed his ten race horses from the stables, rather it was when the baker stopped selling bread to the old man. He tried in every good way to resolve the issue, he offered him compensation for the horse and even offered a complimentary second horse, but the baker remained stubborn and held a grudge for many years.
This story split the community,” he said, “you would think that a small story like this would soon be behind us but it was just the beginning. The old man and his son Daniel opened their own Bakery, upgraded with a seating area and free coffee for all passer’s by. The fights and arguments that ensued, the hatred and divisiveness that arose, literally tore the city to shreds, and now, forty years later, the population sign has shrunk from five thousand to a mere few hundred. And the irony of it all is that until today nobody knows who sent the elk in, and that the baker and the old man lay to rest right next to each other.”
I understood the message and realized that the country is on a similar track. A story as old as time has always had three ways to be told, his side, her side and the ultimate truth. The ultimate truth being not just what the facts of the original story was but also the reactions afterwards. Are we going to allow an entire bustling city to go to the ground? True, the people in the city were sucked into their immediate reality and made choices that would give them the opportunity to be on top once more. But what they didn’t see was that a rainstorm in September could uproot an entire population.
It is time for a reckoning in our political system. The only drive that should keep us going is the truth and nothing but the truth. Much like any court case, in order for the judgment to be correct and righteous we must allow all the facts to emerge and all suspicions to be aroused, but once lies and deceit enter those sacred walls, nothing can stop the inevitable destruction that will surely follow. Truth is the cornerstone of civilization and the keystone to every arch, without the truth the walls will be caving in and who knows how many innocent bystanders on the ground will be crushed by the falling bricks.
It is time for an awakening. The stories of the day and the concocted scandals each side tries to throw on the other has to stop, because there is no good outcome here. The media organizations are filled with gossip, they become rich over someone else’s misfortune without heeding the inevitable future. You may think that you are being righteous, but these words that are being floated and those segments that are being aired aren’t the seeds for change, instead they are the seeds of destruction. The path forward is sticking to the principles of truth and not budging even if it means confessing our own misdeeds. We see how Tamar was saved from the flames by Yehuda taking a stand and proclaiming loudly, “She is correct and righteous, it was me!” in Genesis 38:26. The savior of our nation was born through their connection, and only through the truth do we have a future to look forward to.
It is high time we go back to our original principles. Men and women build families, neighbors and friends build communities, and truth with justice build a nation. We don’t want to hear anymore pandering of politicians, and we are sick of flip-flopping candidates who switch their policy based on the winds of the day. “We are people endowed by our Creator with unalienable rights and among them are life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” A life filled with truth, love and family, liberation of tyranny and lies, and a nation with true and meaningful happiness.
David Lemmer is an Orthodox Jewish Author and Hypnotherapist. Watch his videos on YouTube @LemmerNetwork and buy his books on Amazon. He can be reached at