Atira Ote

Cry out

King David composed Psalm 142 while hiding in a cave, fearing for his life, with no one to turn to but God. This awe-inspiring powerful message is a raw cry out to Hashem for help.

Rav Shimshon Refael Hirsch comments that this psalm is most striking for what is missing. David, persecuted even unto death, abandoned and forsaken, seeks nothing else but to find God. No mention of revenge or blame passes his lips. He is uplifted by the thought that a direct intervention from the Almighty could save his wounded soul.

Today, Psalm 142 is read by those who suffer from great tragedy, trauma, or terminal illness.

It has been almost a week since Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali were kidnapped. A week of darkness, desolation, and despair. A week of hunger, hurt, and heartache. A week of extreme anxiety, anguish, and agony. Every minute that passes intensifies their pain.

While our brave soldiers are fighting on the front lines, we sing this psalm in unison for the boys’ speedy and safe return.

Eyal, Gilad, and Naftali, you are not alone. We all cry out with you. We are mothers and fathers, sisters and brothers, pleading, praying and battling day and night. Stay strong. Hashem hears your prayers always.

About the Author
Atira Ote is a passionate rabbi's wife, mother of five, artist and translator currently living in Jerusalem. She has translated a few volumes of Peninei Halachah by Rav Eliezer Melamed and has put out a CD of original Jewish songs, called "Vayhi Or", with her husband. Take a look at her artwork: or listen to their music:
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