Dan Bilzerian has become openly anti-Semitic
It is truly disappointing and alarming to see Dan Bilzerian, a once respected figure in the business and self-help world, openly espouse anti-Semitic views. In a recent appearance on the Patrick Bet David podcast, Dan made numerous baseless and harmful claims about Jewish people and their supposed influence in various events throughout history.
One of the most egregious statements Dan made was his assertion that Jews were behind the tragic events of 9/11 and the assassination of JFK. These claims are not only offensive but also completely unfounded and perpetuate dangerous conspiracy theories.
Dan also referenced the Talmud, a sacred text in Judaism, claiming that it instructs Jews to view non-Jews as animals. This blatant misrepresentation of Jewish teachings is not only ignorant but also contributes to anti-Semitic stereotypes and discrimination.
Anyone who actually spent years learning Talmud know they can’t just open one up and read one. There is a lot of context and debate with a learning partner to help understand on page of Talmud. He has most likely read some excerpts from a website like the National Alliance and is just parroting their talking points.
Furthermore, Dan suggested that AIPAC, a pro-Israel lobbying group, controls US politicians and that the US went to war for the benefit of Israel. These claims not only lack evidence but also perpetuate harmful tropes about Jewish people and their alleged control over global affairs.
The whole reason the war isn’t over is due to the Biden Administration blocking the delivery of weapons to Israel which is greatly needed. Especially receiving 3,000 pound bombs to take out tunnels that are hundreds of yards underground. Many IDF soldiers have been raising funds for equipment they need. If the US gave so much support for Israel why would IDF soldiers have to raise money for equipment they should receive from the army and why has Biden froze weapon sales to Israel? While at the same time giving far more money to Ukraine.
Perhaps most concerning is Dan’s assertion that the world would be better off without Israel. This statement is not only deeply offensive but also ignores the historical and cultural significance of the Jewish state to the Jewish people.
Israel is a safe-haven for Jews around the world, without it the Middle East would be more chaotic. Israel provides a buffer zone for the western world against radical Islam. If Israel falls then the US and Europe are next in line to receive the same treatment Israeli civilians received on October 7th.
In addition, Dan’s defense of Hamas, a known terrorist organization responsible for numerous atrocities, is troubling and undermines the credibility of his arguments.
There is undeniable evidence from videos Hamas terrorists filmed themselves, testimonies from survivors at the Nova party, testimonies from ZAKA volunteers who collected the dead bodies and the physical evidence collected by forensic experts that it is impossible to deny has did what they did.
Overall, Dan Bilzerian’s anti-Semitic views are deeply concerning because he has a huge following which in turn will turn to his anti-Semitic ideas. During the end of the interview he doesn’t mention that Israelis control politicians or the US government, but Jews. His tirade against Jews is reminiscent of Tom Metzger. Whether he actually believes what he says or is just saying these anti-Semitic statements for attention is up for debate. One thing for sure is that today it’s fashionable to be an anti-Semite.