Daniel in the lions’ den
Hungry lions. Yet they lay peacefully at Daniel’s feet.
Later, the king ordered that those who had plotted against Daniel should be thrown into the pit. The lions devoured them until there was nothing left.
The Book of Daniel contains numerous allegorical visions which describe the future Redemption.
Perhaps the story of the lion’s den is to tell us, that Redemption will be a time when nations who waged war, will lay down their arms, and dwell peacefully with others. Like hungry lions that lay peacefully.
And evil perpetrators who attack others, will be destroyed. As the lions did to those who tried to harm Daniel.
Nowadays in the Middle East, we are seeing peace accords between Israel and Arab countries, while those who terrorize are eliminated. Perhaps we are seeing the story of the lion’s den playing out.
We’re told: “Just like the days when you left Egypt, I will show you wonders.” (Micah 7; 15)
The Hebrew word for ‘just like the days’ — ‘kimei’ — can also mean ‘compared to the days.’ Meaning, that in comparison to the miracles of the Exodus from Egypt, the future Redemption will be more wondrous.
Chassidus explains, that the difference between the Exodus from Egypt and the final Redemption, is that whereas the Egyptians were drowned, in the future Redemption the world and the nations will be refined.
The entire world will become a dwelling place for G-d, where everyone will become aware of G-d’s presence within everything, as we witness His miraculous Divine providence, protecting Israel and eradicating evil.
Perhaps Daniel’s visions of the Redemption are materializing now. It engenders optimism that Moshiach is close.
May we see the complete Redemption very soon.