Slavica Milosevic

Day of Jerusalem under the rockets fire

Ten measures of beauty were bestowed upon the world;
nine were taken by Jerusalem and one by the rest of the world.
(Babylonian Talmud, Tractate Kiddushin 49:2)

Yom Yeroushalayim, Day of Jerusalem reunification. Yes, it was yesterday, anyway I would like to wish you Yom Yeroushalaim sameah, may peace be upon us. You may be atheist, agnostic, Jewish, Christian, Muslim or whatever, but many people I know agree that it is special city.

Moreover, Israelis consider Day of Jerusalem as a day when Jerusalem is reunited while Palestinians consider that on that day Jerusalem is occupied. In my opinion Jerusalem is liberated, however it is a city of all people, nations who respect it. Hence, I usually like to say that Jerusalem is not a city it is an emotion.

When you love something, you don’t ruin it. Did you know that 200 rockets were fired at Israel in 24 hours?

How do you feel that it was your country?

Furthermore, I travel to Israel often, once I stayed 6 months and I hear sirens, I saw peope lying on the ground telling me to lay down. I saw some angry people who were throwing stones, I saw some people who hated the hate.

In addition, Israel is magical, diversity is the power of Israel, and people who never visited it do not know how Israeli’s are kind and open to meet new cultures and people who respect them. I decided to write this blog cause I have read biased articles about current situation in Israel, in my country and the region.

According to resources there is said that 24 Palestinians are killed but here it is not said here that 27 Israelis are hurt. It is threaten by Palestinian terror groups that Ashkelon will turn it “into hell”, in my country and the region it is not said.
What would you do if you live in Ashkelon?

It is important to emphasise that one who wants peace does not rejoice in victims.
Poor are those who celebrate the deaths of innocent people. There are people of Ashkelon cannot sleep, I fear for the safety of my friends in Jerusalem, and I am sad that Hamas uses people as human shields.

I am sad that they do not care about peace. According to resources IDF structed 130 targets in the Gaza Strip.

Would you like to live in the country that defends your life and safety of your family?

What would you do if it was your country under fire? Would you laugh at it?

About the Author
Slavica Milosevic is an author from Montenegro. She is writer and journalist and has had several books published. Slavica spent months in Israel to immerse herself and learn more about Israeli-Palestinian conflict. She is also an American PEN member.
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