Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d

Dear nations of the world

Greeting and Blessing:

We’re here to save you.

Right now you are in quite a pickle. Countries arguing with one another, armies killing one another, terrorists shooting at malls and schools.

That’s why we’re here. We’re here to save you.

Terrorists murdered people? Destroy the murderers.

Kids don’t know that G-d wants them to be good and not harm others? Teach them.

Because at Mount Sinai, G-d told Moses to tell all nations the seven Noahide laws.

This will bring peace.

We’re here to help you. Watch what we do, as we stand up to the entire world, as we eradicate evil.

Because one day soon, evil will be gone. And all of humanity will serve G-d with one shoulder.

Watch us. Listen to us. And watch the world become a beautiful garden, G-d’s garden.

May it happen very soon.


About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for