Does Success happens overnight? Blow away UX myths
“Let’s copy the last feature TikTok added”
“You are the designer , let’s start with the design, no need to create UX”
“We will conduct a UX test after we complete the development stage”
Sounds familiar?
As a UX designer I face this scenario often, What does UX design actually mean?
This is the experience every user encounters whenever he or she tries to purchase something online, when they press the “like” button, or when they choose their favourite song on Spotify.
This post will blow away some of the UX myths you know.
Myth 1:
UX testing needs to be at the end of development process.
It makes no sense to conduct a UX test at the end of the process. It is far preferable to check the product and the system throughout the process at the relevant times. At all stages of the product lifecycle, this will ensure time saving for solutions that don’t work.
Myth 2:
The best thing is to copy features of competitors (for example the last feature Tik Tok launched).
Copying features , especially in the field of UX doesn’t help the product, because:
- Users come with different needs.
- They come from different backgrounds culturally. That’s why it’s recommended to create a different UX system or product according to the users needs and specific characteristics.
Myth 3:
Success happens overnight.
The Apple iPod instantly turned the MP3 player market upside down, right?
Amazon changed the book selling business like a shot, didn’t it?
Well, in fact they didn’t. No matter how it may seem from the outside. The fact is that it takes many years to be an overnight success even for internet entrepreneurs. Years of hard work, endurance, learning, experimenting, and many failures along the way. And sometimes pursuing a project almost everybody dislikes. Seemingly swift successes that took a long time to achieve:
Twitter: Twitter founder Biz Stone had been creating blogging, mobile and social products for 8 years before founding Twitter. He says: “Timing, perseverance, and ten years of trying will eventually make you look like an overnight success.” – Timing Lessons.
Another account on Twitter: The Non-Overnight Success: How Twitter Became Twitter.
Apple iPod: It took 3 years for the iPod to become an overnight success. “The first iPod was released in 2001.
Within a year, Apple had revised it to improve ergonomics in a second version. But it wasn’t until the fourth version in 2004 that sales started to take off.
Apple’s “Overnight” Success!, originally discussed in Bill Buxtons’s brilliant book Sketching User Experiences.
Gmail: “We starting working on Gmail in August 2001. For a long time, almost everyone disliked it. […] Quite a few people thought that we should kill the project, or perhaps “reboot” it as an enterprise product with native client software, not this crazy Javascript stuff. Even when we got to the point of launching it on April 1, 2004 – two and a half years after starting work on it – many people inside of Google were predicting doom.“
Overnight success takes a long time
Hope you enjoyed