‘Dumbest Congressman’ Running For Speaker
The man who has been called "America's dumbest congressman" and "a singularly useless and unaccomplished nutjob" just announced he is running against John Boehner for Speaker of the House this week.
For those of you who might be missing the antics of Michele Bachmann in the new Congress that convenes this week, your problem has been solved by Rep Louis Gohmert.
The six-term Texas Republican announced on Fox News that he plans to challenge Boehner, saying the Speaker isn't conservative enough for his taste. Gohmert doesn't have a snowball's chance of doing anything more than making Boehner look less conservative than he really is.
Like former Rep. Bachmann, he is a master of malaprops, misinformation and malicious mangling of the facts.
Those descriptions in the first paragraph above are from profiles in Dailykos.com and Salon.com, respectively.
In the absence of any legislative accomplishments, Gohmert has produced what Salon called "an endless series of inflammatory, stupid and outrageous public statements."
How did he earn that well-deserved reputation?
• By charging the U.S. government has been infiltrated by the Muslim Brotherhood and "six top advisors to President Obama are Muslim brothers."
• By demanding, along with Bachmann, that inspector generals of four federal agencies investigate their departments for "deep penetration" by the Brotherhood.
• By saying of the teacher who died protecting her students in the Sandy Hook Elementary school massacre, "I wish to God she had an M-4 in her office."
• By accusing Attorney General Eric Holder of having "cast aspersions on my asparagus."
• By saying a vote against Nancy Pelosi or any Democrat for Speaker is a " vote for an adult American citizen."
* By likening gay marriage to bestiality.
• By claiming oil drilling in Alaska would improve the sex lives of caribou.
• By demanding a congressional investigation into the threat of Sharia law in America and warning that terrorists "are now being trained to come in and act like Hispanic[s}."
This is the guy who wants to be second in line to the presidency.