Equivalency Equals Antisemitism
As we approach the one year mark of the terrible atrocities of October the Seventh, there is one glaring lesson that must be learned from the aftermath of that terrible day.
It is clear that every Jew of every background was affected deeply by the events of that day. It has definitely been an awakening and cause for some serious soul searching. The wave of antisemitism that followed, is equally perplexing.
There is one point that must be made loud and clear. This point needs to be shared by every Jew everywhere. And this has specific relevance to the upcoming elections in the United States.
We must know without any doubt that “equivalency equals antisemitism.” This phrase must be repeated over and over again.
Any individual who is capable of saying on the one hand, that the atrocities of October the Seventh were horrible. But on the other hand, it is followed with, “Israel is also out of line with its treatment of the people of Gaza.” Such an individual is incredibly stupid, but more likely, a Jew-hater.
Many have said that the actions of the barbarians that carried out these attacks were worse than the Nazis. These animals boasted of their actions. The Nazis, at least, showed some semblance of humanity, with some guilt feelings. These actions displayed behavior lower than that of an animal.
And if despite all of this, someone could have the audacity to address these actions with a “But the Israelis are also bad,” this is an outright display of antisemitism. This is “equivalency equals antisemitism.”
Antisemitism has reared its head in many forms over the years. It has recently been camouflaged with, “Zionism is racism.” This was the excuse for anti Jewish sentiment.
The newest antisemitism since October the Seventh, is this sick attitude of equivalency. If anyone excesses it, they are not our friend. They are covering up a strong negative feeling towards our people.
This is what makes Kamala Harris so dangerous. Behind her idiotic laugh, there are strong feelings against us. She always speaks of equivalency.
Her self-hating Jewish husband, doesn’t change anything. She is extremely bad for the Jews. She will not fight against antisemitism or Israel.
Donald Trump is a true friend of the Jewish people. He never speaks of equivalency. In these troubled times, Jews need to wake up to the new anti-semitism. “Equivalency equals anti-semitism.” This is the new reality that confronts us. Let us be wise and learn this latest lesson. The future of Israel may depend on it.