Benjy Singer
IsraelB manager, content writer, journalist and educator.

Every Jew is a ‘Shadchan’ (Matchmaker)

Most of the people who use my IsraelB online community on a daily basis, are singles. That kind of makes sense, as it’s single people who have time on their hands and looking to network and meet others.

Indeed, several couples have actually met at events they found out about on the IsraelB online community. We have an IsraelB Zivug Zone Facebook Group where I feature events for singles.

Often, I’m asked by singles what events are on, especially over Shabbat and the Chagim. Indeed, a few months ago I did ‘Dating Series’ on IsraelB, listing useful websites and apps, like Shlish Gan Eden and JSwipe.

I guess this blog though isn’t related to facebook groups, internet sites or events, but rather to highlight and emphasize the personal, individual responsibility for each and every one of us to keep in mind all of our friends and people we know who are looking to settle down.

Anyone who is part of a Jewish Community, where ever you are in the world comes into contact with Jews. As Jews we are part of a Eternal Covenental Community that binds us.

That community is not limited to a physical Shul or organisation, but rather we are bound by a transcendental shared fate and destiny that started with the going out of Egypt and at Har Sinai.

Being part of that joint Covenant of Fate and Destiny means we automatically are called upon to share in the lives of our fellow Jew – In their ups and down, times of happiness, optimism and joy and also times of despair, loneliness and helplessness.

So, I guess my message is very simple to us all including me:

Wherever  you go, whatever you are doing and whoever you are with- Work or play, formal or informal, family or friends, have a list of your single friends in your back pocket and see if you can join with Hashem in making more Jewish Homes and Families.

Yes, there need to be events and online dating websites and apps, but at the same time, often the best people to introduce singles are friends and work colleagues – as they know you best and how you really are.

So, my message is easy and simple to remember – We need to take responsibility for each other and believe we can make a difference.

As, after all, Every Jew is a Shadchan!

About the Author
Benjy Singer runs the IsraelB online portal. He also teaches full-time in the Israeli school system and is a freelance content writer and journalist. He made aliya from London in 2005 and lives in Jerusalem.
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