Everyone has a purpose
Everything and everyone has a purpose. Every single person. And every single thing that happens. It’s not random. Not just by chance.
When I walk into the store, and purchase a drink of water, it’s for a reason. It’s all part of a “vast Divine eternal plan.”
When I meet someone and say “Hello,” and then think that I probably won’t see them again, I tell myself that this too is part of G-d’s plan for the world, for the universe.
The Baal Shem Tov said, that even when a leaf turns in the wind, it’s by Divine providence, and is part of G-d’s plan.
We are all with purpose, we all matter. And everything we do matters.
As I remember it, a teacher once told the Lubavitcher Rebbe, that he had been organizing a Shabbat afternoon program for children, but he was thinking of stopping it, because it seemed to him that the children weren’t really being inspired.
The Rebbe told him, that he is mistaken, because he thinks that what we do has a ripple effect. But it’s not a ripple effect, it’s a nuclear effect.
The Rebbe told him, that when we have a positive influence on even one person, that person then affects family and friends and acquaintances.
So one positive good deed of caring and sharing, can accomplish and bring so much goodness to the world.
Just one good deed.
Just one friendly “Hello.”
It can do so much.
It can even bring Moshiach.