Extremes in Our Midst
For such a small country as ours, with a religious overtone, who is surrounded by hostile neighbors, one would think that its population would be a cohesive one. But, unfortunately, the Israeli political structure is in disarray, with too many parties pulling it apart, and none is ready for any compromise. It is perhaps the only country in the world with no less than twelve political parties representing a population of under 8 million. I am sure you have heard the saying that for every three Jews there are four opinions.
I pick up the morning paper (Haaretz) and on the front page is yet another picture of a Palestinian boy killed by the Israeli army, without any reference to the circumstances under which the shooting occurred. This type of reporting which represents only one side of an event is usually then blown up by the Arab media. It is despairing to see that type of headline on our own Israeli newspapers. Our own newspaper is doing more damage to Israel’s image than the world’s media. Headlines like that are responsible for the spread of antisemitism and hate campaigns in the U.S., Europe, and beyond.
Israel’s political structure, from the far Left who support a Palestinian drive for independence, to the Center which is trying to hold on to power at all costs, to the Right which will populate the West Bank regardless of a Palestinian presence, to the Religious parties who are driving to keep the “power” over all religious matters, are locked in constant political turmoil.
As elections near, I pray that some sense will prevail above all. I will be voting for the first time, and like many others, I am not sure any longer about my choice. I wish the large parties would get together for the sake of Israel’s future. This is a good time for Israel to show the world that Jewish democracy will prevail. The region needs our stability at a time when it is looking for a solid front against our opponents.
Jack Molad