Fear of Hashem-Not So Difficult
Moshe Rabbeinu sums up the responsibilities of a Jew towards Hashem in two verses. “What does Hashem the Eternal ask of you? It is to fear the Al-mighty, to follow in all His ways, to love Him, and to serve the Eternal with all your heart and with all your soul. To keep the commandments of Hashem and His decrees. And this is not for His benefit, but for your welfare.”
The Talmud in Masechet Brachot, raises a question regarding these verses. Is fear of Hashem a small thing? How can Moshe Rabbeinu mention this as though this is something that is easy to acquire?
The Talmud answers that yes, for Moshe this was a small thing. The interpretation is that if someone lived alongside of Moshe, and they saw the extent of his Yirat Shamayim, fear of Heaven, he would easily be influenced to acquire some of that fear.
This only demonstrates how important it is for us to be in the best possible environment. If we surround ourselves with good, G-d fearing people, we will similarly be affected.
We must take great care to stay away from negativity, and negative people. Everyone is influenced by their surroundings. If we make the right choices as to who we let into our lives, fear of Hashem will come easy.