Kenneth Cohen

Fear of Israel

The story of Balak and Bilaam is very timely, and should give us hope. Our present situation needs to end as is hinted in the Torah.

We are introduced to Balak, the king of Moab. We are told that the entire nation of Moab has been struck with a great fear of the Jewish people. Surprisingly, their fear was not based on the fantastic exodus from Egypt, and the devastation and demise of the Egyptians. This was forty years later, and even great events could be forgotten.

They had heard of the miraculous defeat of the two giants, Sichon and Og. Moshe had conquered them and the land of the Emori, and Bashan. This is the area that includes the Golan Heights of today.

The fear of the neighboring countries of Midian and Moab was so great that even though they hated each other, they made an alliance. They needed to do something to weaken the Jewish people, or they would be next.

Throughout the Tanach, we see a repeated scenario. Israel’s enemies believe that they can harm us, and may even wish to have us eliminated, G-d forbid. Ultimately, Hashem’s love for His people is so great that He helps subdue our enemies. Not only are they defeated, but they are left with a feeling of awe and fear of Am Yisrael.

Balak and Bilaam were both motivated by fear and hatred of the Jewish people. They thought they could devise a new scheme of cursing Israel to weaken them. They failed and they were both killed. The glory of Israel remained as did the fear of Israel.

I believe that the bravery of our soldiers and the heroism of the Jewish people, will have the same result in our current war. With Hashem’s help, we will see a great victory. And our enemies will respect us and be in a state of fear of the G-d of Israel and His people.

About the Author
Rabbi Cohen has been a Torah instructor at Machon Meir, Jerusalem, for over twenty years while also teaching a Talmud class in the Shtieblach of Old Katamon. Before coming to Israel, he was the founding rabbi of Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles. He recently published a series of Hebrew language-learning apps, which are available at