Moshe Kaplan

Finding Common Ground – The Mensch Way

It is no secret that the secular-religious divide is a major problem in Israel.  However, what is not known is that a silent revolution is happening.  The Be a Mensch Foundation, based on its book Be a Mensch – Why Good Character is the Key to a Life of Health, Happiness, Wealth and Love (Gefen Press) and a conflict resolution program began conducting dialogue groups between secular and religious Israelis and the results have been astounding.

Having started about 12 years ago with a problem that began in Beit Shemesh which showed the power of panim al panim and creating a climate for a peaceful community, the Mensch Foundation expanded into the Boy Scouts/ Girl Scouts The demand for these groups has grown exponentially with penetration into the IDF, the IAF, four universities and a multitude of high schools now reaching 50,000 people. For example, following a recent Mensch event with 60 pilots, we heard a blend of responses that echoed “This is the most important thing going on in Israel today “ and “What the Mensch Foundation is doing is more important than what we are doing”.

Be A Mensch has approbation from 3 Nobel Laureates, Nathan Shransky, Michael Oren,  Tal Brody, Rachel Fraenkel, and other notables.

The organization just recently published the book EXTREME TRAUMA which, in addition to documentation of the tragedy of October 7th, notes human potential when used for the benefit of the world and Jewish resilience and the saving grace – Jewish unity which is the end result of the striving of the Be a Mensch Foundation.

Our focus is to continue to expand and heal the wounds that hurt the well-being of our society.

Moshe Kaplan MD

About the Author
Moshe Kaplan MD is the CEO of Be a Mensch Foundation. He is the compiler of several books: Wholly Life( Targum Press) Be a Mensch ( Gefen Press- English) ( Yedbooks- Hebrew) Extreme trauma (self published on Amazon). He has also served as a medical director of Mogen David Adom.
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