Elizabeth Browder

Fly free, beautiful angel

Sometimes, someone so special comes into your life that you really don’t realize it until they are gone.

She was like that. Her name was Christine. She was married to a good friend of mine, and hence, became my friend. Let me tell you about her.

She had a deep love of animals, not just dogs and cats. Any abuse of any animal made her stand up and say “THIS IS NOT RIGHT”. And I always agreed with her. I look at my little doggy and think “She would have loved you”…and she would have.

She loved her family. Her husband, Jim and son RJ…and they loved her back. Oh, how they love her…RJ is just two years old. I grieve for him, not knowing how special and wonderful his Mommy was. I grieve for Jim, a wonderful person in his own right, having to say goodbye to the love of his life.

Christine had the dreaded disease, cancer. She fought and fought. She fought bravely and courageously. She always had a smile on her face, no matter how bad she was feeling. She always had a kind word for people, no matter how much pain she was in.

I cannot wrap my head around the fact she is gone. This beautiful, kind, loving person. She had such a light about her, a pure light. I am sure that light shines in her son. I see it in him.

I am glad her pain is no more. Fly free, beautiful angel. Watch over your boys. Tell my Daddy hello. You will be missed. You will NEVER be forgotten.

About the Author
Elizabeth is a nurse by profession, and a parent of a dog who thinks she is human. She likes lots of things. She may write about them.