Alex Rose

Follow the Dots – When Democracy Fails – The Story of 2 Allies

“I had faith in Israel before it was established. I have faith in it now. I believe it has a glorious future before it—not just another sovereign nation, but as an embodiment of the great ideals of our civilization.” [US  President Harry Truman ].

“Why not give Palestine back to the Jews again? According to God’s distribution of nations, it is their home – an inalienable possession from which they were expelled by force. Under their cultivation was a remarkable fruitful land, sustaining millions of Israelites, whose industrially tilled its hillsides and valleys. They were agriculturalists and producers—the center of civilization  and religion.

—–We believe this is an appropriate time for all nations, and especially the Christian nations of Europe, to  show  kindness to Israel—-let us now restore to them the land of which they were so cruelly despoiled by our Roman ancestors.” [ US President Harrison ].

As co-author of the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917, in which the British Government pledged to facilitate the establishment of a Jewish National Homeland in Palestine, US President Wilson unequivocally reaffirmed his support for the re-establishment of the Jewish Commonwealth in Palestine.

Biden is known to Israel. One of his 1st visits to Israel took place in 1973 at the commencement of the Yom Kippur War when he met Golda Meir. Apparently, she chain-smoked as she detailed regional security threats facing Israel. Further, he regarded it as “one of the most consequential meetings he had ever had in his life.

It was the 30-year-old senator’s 1st overseas trip and he toured  Israel and “the territories it held “some 40 days prior to the commencement of the war on October 6. He alerted her of concerns about any possible “annexation” attempts

In 1982, Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin met a group of Senators including Biden at the Capital. Biden confronted him about West Bank “settlement expansion” and suggested that new “settlements” would undercut US support for assistance to Israel. He then reportedly banged the table as the exchange heated up. Begin’s reply has become lore among his followers, as reported by Times of Israel’s Ron Kampeas on 25 April 2019.

Begin responded, “This desk is designed for writing, not for fists. Don’t threaten us with slashing aid. Do you think that because the US lends us money, it is entitled to impose on us what we must do? We are grateful for the assistance we have received, but we are not to be threatened. I am a proud Jew. Three thousand years of culture are behind me, and you will not frighten me with threats.

Apparently, contrary to expectations, Biden backed down. At the Herut Zionists of America annual conference, he placed the blame for failure in progress on ME peace on Saudi Arabia, Jordan and “Palestine” He even alleged to educate his colleagues “on the financial sacrifices Israel has made” consequent to Camp David.

And yet, during his visit to Israel in 2010, Vice President Biden immaturely had Netanyahu wait 90 minutes for a dinner meeting because of an announcement of new building in eastern Jerusalem. Later, in 2013, he addressed AIPAC and J Street informing the latter that  Netanyahu wanted peace and the Palestinians needed to make progress. However, during the J Street speech in mid-April, he said that Netanyahu was taking the country in the wrong direction.

This, because of the actions of the  Israeli government “over the past several years” engaging in “the steady and systematic expansion of settlements, the legalization of outposts [and] land seizures.”

In the years 2006 and 2007, two professorial books emerged, which reflect today’s truths. The 1st, “America Alone -The End of the World as we know it” by Mark Steyn was a New York Times Bestseller and the 2nd, “While Europe Slept -How Radical Islam is Destroying the West from Within” by Bruce Bawer is of equal standing. A few extracts follow to confirm their predictions

On Pages 83 and 84 of Steyn’s work, we find:

“And so it goes. The mosques are recruiters for the jihad and play an important role in ideological subordination and cell discipline. In globalization terms, that’s a perfect model. Unlike the Soviets, it’s a franchise business rather than owner-operated, the Commies had “deep sleepers” who had to be “controlled” in a very hierarchical chain. But who needs that with Islam?  Not long after September 11, I said, just as an aside, that these days whenever something goofy turns up on the news chances are it involves some fellow called Mohammed. It was a throwaway line, but if you want to compile chapter and verse, you can add to the list every week.

*A plane flies into the World trade Center? Mohammed Atta.

* A sniper starts killing gas station customers around Washington D.C.? John Allen Mohammed.

* A guy fatally stabs a Dutch movie director ? Mohammed Bouyeri.

* A gunman shoots  up  the El Al counter at Los Angeles Airport ? Hesham Mohammed Hedayer.

* A terrorist slaughters dozens in Bali? Noordin Mohammed

*A British subject self-detonates in a Tel-Aviv bar ? Asif Mohammed Hanif.

* A terrorist cell bombs the U.S. Embassies  in Kenya and Tanzania ? Ali Mohamed.

*A gang rapist preys on  the women of Sydney? Mohammed  Skaf.

* A group of Dearborn, Michigan, men charged with cigarette racketeering in order to fund Hezbollah ? Fadi  Mohamad-Musbah Hammoud, Mohammed Fawzi Zeidan, and Imad Mohamad-Musbah Hammoud.

* A Canadian terror cell is arrested for plotting to bomb Ottawa and behead the prime minister? Mohammed Dirie, Amin Mohammed Durrani, and Yasim Abdi Mohamed.”

The 2nd book by the subject author follows his life in Europe  where he had lived since 1998.Extracts from Chapter 2, “9/11 and After: Blaming Americans and Jews”:

“The 1st weeks and months after 9/11 brought to a head my sense of the underlying conflict between American and European perceptions of reality  – especially concerning our shared geopolitical interests—a circumstance that would seriously complicate the effective prosecution of the war on terror.”

“So it was that in 2003, while the Western European establishment sneered repeatedly at the American argument that Iraq was being ‘liberated’ [what typical stateside simplisme!], that same establishment consistently represented the invasion as a violation of Iraq’s’ peace’—as if the word ‘peace’ could fairly be used to describe life in a country run by a mad tyrant who had murdered hundreds of thousands of his own people. In the same way, the Western European media mocked George W. Bush for calling Saddam Hussein and others evil, but had no trouble accommodating the view that America was itself Satan’s own little lamb.”

Nor for that matter, does one wonder how many Israeli’s recall the one-sided scud war inflicted on Israel by the self-same Saddam Hussein.

“Standing beside the Berlin Wall   -I thought: Yes, now it’s changed forever. Chiq anti-anti Communism is dead. America has been vindicated. The liberation of Eastern Europe has made the truth of Soviet tyranny undeniable. Those who defended it will hang their  heads forever in shame.”

“Regarding Vietnam—-I had no intention of defending that war, but that it needed  to be understood in the context of the worldwide struggle against totalitarian Communism.”

How ironic, given today’s America, when so many of the populous are seeking change, some for socialism and some for communism. The lesson once learnt by this author-engineer is that ‘If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.’

Today the US is riddled with anti-Semitism, violence and total lack of law and order. But this is lost on President Biden who sees in its stead racism and White Supremacy. He can educate himself through a single essay by famed  ex-Somalia intellectual Ayaan Hirsi Ali , a woman “of color” no less, described by Christopher of the Sunday Times  as a determined woman   who could “change more history than her own  “. The article, “How influencers have legitimized anti-Semitism” dated May 25, 2021, is superb. A sampling of Ali’s elegance and profound judgment:

“Of all the narratives competing for our attention, there is none as volatile as the one that tells the story of Israel-Palestine. Indeed, there is no other conflict in the world that manages to combine all the highly charged story-lines of our time: the narrative of the oppressor versus the oppressed, of the colonizer verses the colonized, of the genocide perpetrator and system of  supremacy.”

“In r recent  years, America, by comparison, has felt relatively immune—immune, that is until now. Indeed, I have friends  who moved to the US from Europe a decade ago to escape anti-Semitism. This month, for the first time, they are now questioning whether it is safe to walk to synagogue or wear their kippahs.”

Andrea Levin is the Executive Director and President of CAMERA. She writes and lectures widely on media coverage of the Arab-Israeli conflict. On May 5, 2019 she posted, “Omar Vs. Ali: A Tale of Two Somalis. What Levin seeks to do is to comprehend Ilhan’ Omar’s anti-Semitism through the well meaning  and altogether different character, Ayaan Hirsi Ali.

Levin questions from whence does  Ilhan Omar’s anti-Semitic prejudice come and uses Ali’s masterpiece, “Infidel” to provide the answer e.g. “As a child growing up in a Muslim family, I constantly heard my mother, other relatives and neighbors wish for death of Jews, who were considered our darkest enemy. Our religious tutors and the preachers in our mosques set aside extra time to pray for the destruction of Jews. She has noted that ‘all over the Middle East hatred for Jews and Zionists can be found in text books for children as young as 3, complete with illustrations of Jews with monster-like qualities.'”

” I am living proof that one can be born a Somali, raised as an anti-Semite, indoctrinated as an anti-Zionist—and still overcome all this to appreciate the unique culture of Judaism and the extraordinary achievement of the state of Israel. If I can make the leap, so perhaps can Ms.Omar.”

Writing in Israel Hayom of 06-18-2021, “New government, New Threats”, Caroline Glick notes that the US administration’s now all but declared positions on Jerusalem  and Hamas in turn strengthen Iran’s position inside Palestinian society. It “sends the clear message that the Biden administration supports the division of Israel’s capital and the administration is making clear that it intends to legitimize and work with Hamas.” Not only that, the US supports a Hamas takeover of Judea and Samaria.

In summary, Glick demonstrates Lapid’s willingness to appease Biden, while “Bennett’s 2013 plan [is]to apply Israeli law throughout all of Area C of Judea and Samaria.”Opposition leader Netanyahu’s known positions  are clearly in line with Israel’s majority. Consequently, public outcry could  result in a rupture of the Lapid-Bennett alliance.

The Jewish Press of NY on June 6, 2021 featured  a “Video of the Day” featuring Ben Shapiro, on  “The Truth About the Israeli-Arab Conflict” reprinting the most convincing arguments in favor of Israel’s indigenous claims. Over an hour, one is treated to an extraordinary coverage of undisputed history, which should be made universally available to all parties  given to lying about “occupation” and “settlements”.

A recall of  the attack on Winston Churchill in the House of Commons when he justified granting the Jews concessions for hydro-electric projects on the Jordan River would also negate the dictatorial positions of both Biden and Lapid. Churchill’s words:

“I am told  the Arabs would have done it for themselves. Who is going to believe that? Left to themselves, the Arabs of Palestine would not in a thousand years have taken the effective steps toward the irrigation and electrification of Palestine. They would have been quite content to dwell—-a handful of philosophic people—in the wasted sun scorched plains , letting the waters of the Jordan continue to flow unbridled  and unharnessed into the Dead Sea.”

Add to this, from Lloyd George’s, Memoirs of the Peace Conference:

“No race has done better out of the fidelity with which the Allies redeemed their promises to the oppressed races than the Arabs. Owing to  the tremendous sacrifices  of the Allied Nations, and more particularly of Britain and her Empire, the Arabs have already won independence in Iraq, Arabia, Syria, and Trans-Jordania, although most of the Arab races fought [for Turkey]—The Palestinian Arabs fought for Turkish rule.”

About the Author
Alex Rose was born in South Africa in 1935 and lived there until departing for the US in 1977 where he spent 26 years. He is an engineering consultant. For 18 years he was employed by Westinghouse until age 60 whereupon he became self-employed. He was also formerly on the Executive of Americans for a Safe Israel and a founding member of CAMERA, New York (Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America and today one of the largest media monitoring organizations concerned with accuracy and balanced reporting on Israel). In 2003 he and his wife made Aliyah to Israel and presently reside in Ashkelon.