David Lemmer

From Fact to Fiction

Read Between the Lines- XAI

The thing about writing news, current events, or even journaling is, in a sense, keeping the record straight for history. When they look back at our times and wonder how the dominos fell, they can look at our writings and news bites to get a sense of what was truly happening. We saw it after the Biden debate. The instant reaction the leftist media had at that moment was the unfiltered truth without having an opportunity to sugar coat or cover it up. The truth of each moment truly sets us free, because we shouldn’t be writing these pages today for the sake of the future generations to be able to look back at our failures or successes, it is actually for us to course correct our ways today.

But what the agenda driven liars around the globe will do right after speaking the truth is alter facts and shift the perspective of the story. In most cases they’ll just ignore the story and not give it any air time, essentially choking it to death hoping it isn’t revived elsewhere, or like in the case of the southern border of the US, they pivoted and blamed Trump in order to cover up their agenda. These people are no better when it comes to their personal lives either, when they see that something is wrong for them by simply encountering failure, the natural response would be to either give up or try harder, but for these people the response is to double down or blame others.

At any given event that occurs, for example, the New Years attack in New Orleans, it usually takes somewhere between three to six hours before the salt and pepper join the party. Everyone tries to pitch in with their opinion and conspiracy, all in the hopes of their perspective to add the most spice to the story. But in actuality, truth relies on facts, and by just connecting the dots, we end up having a bigger sub-story than the actual truth. Connecting the dots with clear parallels is the tough job of a journalist or investigator, or an easier job for someone connected to the truth, but it should be the easiest job for the person involved in the act. To understand the motive we need to get into the head of the perpetrator and understand the motive and if that’s not available the only reliable thing we can use to get to the bottom of it are the facts that come about through digging.

Nobody gets it right the first time unless their contacts are somehow involved. Look at Woodward. The only way he was able to bring the WaterGate story to light was because he had inside information by those deeply involved in the story. That isn’t considered journalism. That’s just called “catching a lucky break,” if it even was that. If the thing you are looking for is truth, one must always remember that he will likely have to retract from his current statement when and if something new comes to light.

Another point to make is that when we see people being rewarded, we shouldn’t automatically assume that they are worthy of that reward. Yes, we should understand that the circumstances in this moment allow for the ceremony to occur, but what would be the reality if the shoe were on the other foot? Hillary receiving the Medal of Freedom, for what? Hunter is receiving a pardon. Why? There has to be a clear scale of value in our minds to be able to discern truth from lies no matter how long and how desperately we’ve been lied to. It is up to each person in their life to set those lie detectors in their heart and mind so that they can continue living properly according to their true and trusted values.

There will come a day when the truth will be unrecognizable. Naturally, faith-based people won’t buy into it and remain steadfast in their commitment to their beliefs, but what happens to the next generation that gets canceled and debanked for their personal views? How long will it take for a country to be unrecognizable and completely turned around from being prosperous and giving nation to a totalitarian state with critical thought being punished with prison, or worse, death.

Oh wait, hold my prophecy. It already started across the globe. America, with their evil leftist extremists on large and the quiet secret of the southern border which opened the door for right wing radical religious extremists. Europe has been overrun, and England is beyond recognizable. Those big radical shifts in ideology seemed to go unnoticed for a while as they were just small and harmless, like when they changed the name of “mail-man” to “mail-person,” and we all joked “What will they do next, will they change “Manhattan” to “Womanhattan?” And guess what, they did that too at the opening of the 117th Congress when Cleaver finished off by saying “Amen and Awomen.” Those were silly and laughable until they changed the definition of a “Financial Recession” to “Transitory.”

Oh, and how can I forget this? Do you remember when all the phobias started? It was right after the “Ism’s” died down that they came up with something new, Islamophobia, transphobia, and xenophobia, all in order to cover up their dishonesty. And when that didn’t work, they started with fear and violence. They burned cities to the ground during 2020 while locking the good guys in their homes, they canceled doctors and professors for challenging their agenda, and even destroyed the lives of regular Mom’s and Pop’s who wanted a safe and pure country for their sons and daughters. To be honest, they don’t care about the blue haired Karen or the blood sucking Jihad. Their agenda goes far beyond our current events. Their ideology is for total and global consensus to their dictating rule. They have no empathy for those groups. They are just using them as pawns at the current moment in time to push their agenda ahead another few years closer to their dream.

We have the receipts. We have the news, and we have the facts, and most of all, we have the truth. It is instrumental for Donald Trump to use the money that he will receive after winning the defamation suits against the biased media organizations to engrave a plaque of stone on the front of his presidential library stating the following: “This Library was built with the funds granted to President Donald J. Trump by the corrupt and lying media between the years of 2015 and 2025. With their efforts and propaganda, they tried to overthrow the democracy which has given you the opportunity to read this sign. It was with the grace of God and the help of millions of patriots that our freedoms as Americans are engraved in stone to last as long as these truths remain known and valued.” Our every moment should be cherished, and our every decision should be weighed, for it is in this moment alone that the truth will set us free. All of us have the responsibility to do what is right in the eyes of our Creator, for it is only through those actions that we have made it this far. For future historians, “Hold these truths to be self-evident.”

David Lemmer is an Orthodox Jewish writer and Hypnotherapist. He can be reached at LemmerHypno@gmail.com

About the Author
David Lemmer, is a hypnotherapist based out of Lakewood NJ. He has a couple of books relating to hypnotherapy of a journey through the body and soul of the person to discover their inner meaning. Another book with a beautiful poetic translation of all of Tehillim.