Gary Epstein
And now for something completely different . . .

From The WWII Archives: Undated Correspondence to Churchill and Roosevelt


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Dear Winnie and Frank:

As you know, the undersigned are the heads of state of Ireland, Spain, South Africa, and a bunch of other self-important, but otherwise irrelevant, countries.  We are writing because we have seen which way the winds of war seem to be blowing and we are quite concerned, even alarmed, at some of the initiatives you may be considering.

We want to make sure that you, like us, are on the right side of history.

Before proceeding, let us acknowledge that we have been appalled, shocked, and even alarmed by the behavior of Messrs. Hitler, Mussolini, and Tojo and the armies they command.  The rape of Lidice was abominable.  Pearl Harbor was a day that will live in infamy, if we may borrow a felicitous Rooseveltian turn of phrase.  Seizure of the Sudetenland, even after your predecessor’s valiant attempt at appeasement, as well as the blitzkrieg invasions of Poland, Belgium, France, and other countries were regrettable, even though we understand the legitimate grievances and aspirations of the German people, smarting from the many humiliations of the Treaty of Versailles.  The loss of civilian life in those actions is unfortunate.  But unfortunate things happen, and we, as statesmen, must know when to moderate our behavior and control our emotions.

Indeed, it may be said that Germany and Japan had become large outdoor prisons, with their reasonable geopolitical aspirations stifled at every turn.  We feel that reasonable people would understand their frustration and make allowances for what otherwise might be deemed extreme behavior. Of course, unprovoked invasions, wholesale bombing of civilian targets such as London, raping women, torturing civilians, and transporting millions of people to their deaths in concentration camps, are highly regrettable activities, which we condemn, but, to be fair,  many of the allegations of atrocities are anecdotal (since there appear to be few survivors who can bear witness) and one should keep in mind that the primary “victims” of the final alleged bit of savagery were only (how shall we delicately put it?) Jews.

In any event, what is done is done, and we want to make sure that your responses are proportional and humane.  Rumors have reached us that you hope to vanquish the Japanese fleet at Midway.  Japan, being an island, depends on its Navy, and many of its troops on Pacific islands, are reliant upon supplies and support from that Navy. Without its fleet of aircraft carriers, Japan will be unable to wage war effectively.  More importantly, they will lose much of the self-respect that is essential to their national identity.  We urge you to show restraint. Pearl Harbor is history.  Eliminating the Japanese navy as a potent fighting force will only yield more resentment.

In that regard, rumors have reached us of the development of some sort of highly potent atomic weapon that could be deployed against such cities as Hiroshima and Nagasaki.  We have only one bit of advice and warning:  “Don’t.”  Radical action such as that may end the war more quickly and save tens of thousands of lives, but an extended war and increased American and British casualties are a price we noncombatants are prepared to pay.

In Europe, we note with approval the reluctance of President Roosevelt to bomb the concentration camps.  Why pour petrol on the fire?  We hope that your forces will also refrain from fire-bombing such defenseless cities as Dresden, and we note that any invasion of Europe, in Normandy, Sicily, or elsewhere, will result in a large number of civilian casualties.  Please govern your actions accordingly.

If you would like a model of behavior we would support, we note with approval the actions of the Vichy government in France and the cooperation of the French authorities in rounding up Jews in the Vel’ d’Hiv.  We think that the French collaboration in the largest French roundup for transport to Auschwitz has distinguished and marked them for the rest of their history.  We trust that people will recall when the French make recommendations on other global matters. Perhaps you should consider this as an alternative when you consider future strategies vis-a-vis the axis powers. A little collaboration sometimes goes a long way. We understand that they are irrevocably committed to your destruction.  But we expect you to observe a higher, more civilized, standard.

We should remember that Nazism is an idea. It may be a bad idea, and we may not agree with all of its elements, but an idea can not be defeated by force. Any attempt to do so will simply encourage bad behavior in the future.  Therefore, rather than pursue total victory, we ask you to consider a ceasefire that would allow the axis to regroup, consider its alternatives, and maintain its self-respect.  We believe that the Muslims call this a hudna, which was a brilliant Mohammedan idea that permits its forces to enter into armistices when they face defeat, only to renew the attack when they are stronger.  This seems like fair play to us. And we are certain that the (surviving) troops you thus place at risk will understand.

We acknowledge that war crimes by the axis powers, to the extent that they may have happened and were not justified by thoughtless behavior of the Allies in the years leading up to the war, are regrettable, but viewed from the perspective of the Nazis, Fascists, and Imperial Japanese, were they really war crimes at all?  We urge you to step back from your grief, anger, and outrage and give hudna a chance.

We are confident that if you put aside your aggressive tendencies, absorb some casualties in the expectation of enhancing the self-image of your enemies, try to accommodate and indulge the views of the Nazis as valid expressions of a certain point of view, you will, in the long run, feel better about yourselves.

Unless you are all dead, as your enemies hope.

Thank you for your time and kind consideration.  Regards to Joe at Yalta.

About the Author
Gary Epstein is a retired teacher and lawyer residing in Modi'in, Israel. He was formerly the Head of the Global Corporate and Securities Department of Greenberg Traurig, an international law firm with an office in Tel Aviv, which he founded and of which he was the first Managing Partner. He and his wife Ahuva are blessed with 18 grandchildren, ka"h, all of whom he believes are well above average. [Update: . . . and, ka"h, one great-grandchild.] He currently does nothing. He believes he does it well.