Author/Artist - Kiss&Arrow : "A Kiss to the Way We Are - An Arrow for Direction" - [Art + Op:Poetry&Questions]
Gay Pride Kisses…but you forgot the Jews…

'Gay Pride Kisses..but you forgot the Jews' - Luca M Damiani - Kiss and Arrow 2024 -
Hey Italy, Hey Rome, Hey Gay Pride – nice to see you the other day on the Roman streets.
What a Day, what a Week, what a Month.
We welcome all Pride kisses all the time, not only on Pride Month.
We welcome all Pride arguements of rights, and we clearly have supported many.
We welcome all Pride colours, even when you keep adding more that it feels a bit confusing.
We welcome it all…we truly do, and we only want to share the love.
But, dear Gay Rome…why aren’t you welcoming Gay Italian Jews and Gay Italian-Israelis in your Pride?
Where is your love there?
Where is your inclusivity?
Are you sure that you get what you are doing?
Are you really sure?
And mostly…are you proud now?