Solomon Natar

Godlessness is boring

Some people think that the world is divided between believers and un-believers. Some people claim that skepticism is not the lack of faith but its beginning. Some people say that if you ask too many questions, in the end you won’t believe in anything.

Apologists of Jewish theism advocate the God of Israel, Judeo-Christian morality, conservative family values, spirituality and hope. Arguments for belief in this Divine subject all break down to four simple points: the natural world we live in is obviously the work of a creative author not arbitrary material; man is a subjective being therefore there must be an ultimate subject who is the source of conscience, love and aesthetics; the history of the Jewish people from biblical times through modern Zionism testifies to Divine providence; and paranormal experience reveals the metaphysical realm of a personal God.

In Kabbalistic thinking the world and mankind were created by the breath of God, one letter at a time. As words formed and became intelligible so there was light and all things came into being. The first thought was just the tip of the first sound of the first letter in the first word, then more thoughts became sounds forming syllables and words of creative effect and divine meaning. So we are a manifestation of God’s spiritual mind, children of His namesake. Beasts cannot speak and even their existences is meaningful. How much more so are boys and girls in the image of God who choose to be mindful rather than unholy mass.

Faith, religion and theology take place when one begins to embrace notions regarding the creator. It is like a seed in the ground, in the mind. Though subconsciously selective, this process generates piety and life in the soul. What if our imagination is not so separate from actual spiritual things? The deep intuition to incline oneself towards spirituality is surreal, but also paradoxically natural and constructive. Divining inspires love, truth and yearning for the power to heal.

To fall from the tree of faith is a strenuous venture. If you slip, try to hit every branch on the way down, not just to spare your bones from breaking but for maintaining some interest in life itself.

About the Author
Natar has an MA in Jewish Thought from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He likes to read and write about politics, Jerusalem and messianism.