Gold, Holocaust Survivors and Collector Coins a Way to Remember Israel’s Past
Dana Rogozinsky’s jewelry business is making headlines, and it all started with her idea to honor her grandmother. Ella Lucak, Dana’s grandmother, is a Holocaust survivor, and she has endured horrors that many of us have heard stories of from our parents and grandparents.
The tragedies our people suffered are still in our minds.
And Rogozinsky’s business is getting praised and questioned by many at the same time. On one hand, she is creating beautiful gold jewelry that survivors and victims’ families can buy, but on the other hand, she is benefitting from a tragedy.
I personally find it touching to be able to honor the memory of the Holocaust. Her unusual idea is to feature Nazi tattoo numbers as a piece of art. Necklaces, pendants, cuff links, bracelets and chains can all be customized with tattoo numbers.
It’s a way to remember our loved ones that endured horrors that are unimaginable. There are even buyers that purchase random numbers of survivors and victims to honor their struggles.
A portion of the proceeds, although the amount isn’t stated, goes to Holocaust education and scholarships.
Israel has always found a way to use gold and silver to remember the past. And jewelry isn’t the only thing that is starting to be produced to commemorate the past. Gold and silver coins were recently introduced to mark the 70th anniversary of statehood.
The Bank of Israel issued the coins on April 12 to mark the 14th May 1948.
Israel went on to be recognized as a state in 1949 after a majority vote from the United Nations to allow Israel as a member.
The coins mark a historic milestone for Israel along with the slogan “Heritage of Innovation.” Creative spirit, which the coin is also a symbol of, is being seen in Israel stronger today than ever before. Israel remains at the forefront of groundbreaking technologies, with a startup sector that is thriving and pushing the world forward.
And as I start to look into investments and the future, I can’t help but support these icons representing the past. I will leave these pieces to my children, and I know that they’ll cherish these items as much as I do. They are a memory of the past that my family experienced first-hand.
Pride in Israel is a good thing.
Israel’s past is taught in schools around the world, and while the tragedies of the past remain, the Israel of today is building its legacy. The technology and innovative spirit will have Israel remembered as a nation that suffered, yet we endured.
The events of the past are remembered on Holocaust Remembrance Day, and sirens bring a nation to a standstill at 10 a.m. Cars stop in the street to remember the 6 million Jews that were murdered in World War II. Events last all day, with stores and restaurants closing. It’s a day to remember the past, but the jewelry being produced is a way to honor those who died on a daily basis. It’s something special.