Marc Daniels

Good Morning, Middle East!

Courtesy U.S. Embassy Berlin
Courtesy U.S. Embassy Berlin

So saddened to hear about Robin Williams death.  He would have been to the first one, to use his name for helping make the Middle East a more livable place.

In “Good Morning, Vietnam”, he played a AFN Radio disk jockey broadcasting from Saigon. As in the movie, Robin Williams had no enemies, only audiences.

The greatest tribute we could give him, is to reflect his infectious loving nature in our daily lives. Not bad advise for the negotiators,  Before any top-down peace fabric can be successfully woven,  all of us must re-discover our humanity and connections with one another. Humor is a bit like a spiritual Shabbat, in which our spirits are temporally raised above the fray of the moment.  Humor connects, humor uplifts. Millions of millions of positive tweets as compared to the millions of tweets inciting hatred. The choice is ours: To continue to pound ourselves into stardust soul memories or to tap our roots, weed out and compost our hatred into spiritual substrate. Whatever inner stony heart blockages might have which might have led to our dysfunctional egoistic detachments the past, can now transformed into unifying positivity and streamed back to the Garden.

FEZ Jugendzentrum Berlin
FEZ Jugendzentrum Berlin

It’s the dawn of a new day. Good morning, Middle East. Let’s weed out hate and sow the seeds of peace.

About the Author
As the eldest grandson of Ross Daniels, the inventor of a horticultural irrigation tool for deep watering and feeding at the deepest roots, Marc spent the first half of his career learning about global gardening and gardener's trends. Ten years ago, he began thinking about how to take his grandfather's vision to the next level, for inspiring humanity to weed out hate and sow the seeds of peace through spiritual gardening.
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