Yoseph Janowski
By the Grace of G-d


Universities are in uncharted territory, trying to find a balance between free speech and hate mongering.

Social media is alight with the best of things and the worst of things.

Division in America creates a tense atmosphere as elections approach.

Children are coming into a world that is confused and uncertain.

Life used to seem so straightforward. America used to be united. People for the most part seemed content, and tried to be good, tolerant citizens.

And suddenly it all came apart.

What happened?

The answer, my friend, is very simple. A little over sixty years ago, the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that it is forbidden to recite, in public schools, a prayer to G-d.

And it was downhill after that.

So what now? Is there hope? Can things be fixed?

The answer is yes.

Because we are now seeing miraculous events unfolding. And the entire world is increasingly realizing that G-d exists, and He is running the world, conducting our lives by Divine providence.

There is hope, and much room for optimism.

Redemption with Moshiach is very close, as a new world dawns.


As I write this, I am reading reports that former President Trump is coming to visit the Ohel (resting place) of the Lubavitcher Rebbe.

Two attempted assassinations, averted by miraculous Divine intervention, showed the world that G-d exists, and that He controls and guides the world.

Everyone is becoming more aware that there is a G-d in the world. And that means that we all have importance. That every single one of us has an important part to play in G-d’s Divine plan. Because G-d, Who is all-powerful and all-knowing, would not create something without purpose.

Every living thing is an integral part of creation. Even inanimate objects like stones, have a G-dly force within them that keeps them in existence. Because the entire world was and is created every moment ex nihilo — from nothingness. Before the world existed, there was nothing, only G-d. And when He created the world, He created it from nothing. And if G-d would stop creating everything for even one moment, it would all revert back to nothing.

So He created everything from nothing. And every single thing — earth, rocks, plants, trees, insects, animals, fish, birds, humans — has a role to play in creation.

After the first assassination attempt, Trump acknowledged that it was a miracle from G-d that he is alive. He said that he was saved because at exactly the right moment, he turned his head to exactly the right angle, not too much and not too little.

In the second attempt, a secret service agent noticed the barrel of a rifle in the foliage, and quickly fired his gun at the would-be assassin, scaring him away. Clearly a very close call.

The two incidents remind us,  that we are all here by the grace of G-d, and that He conducts our lives.

By visiting the Ohel and praying, Trump is acknowledging his belief in G-d and in His Omnipotence. And it inspires us all to strengthen our belief in G-d, and to trust in Him to help us.

As the world increasingly witnesses G-d’s presence, and as we see Israel’s stunning and miraculous ongoing success in destroying the evil enemies of civilization, we become more aware that we all matter, and that each and every one of us has a role to play, in bringing to fruition G-d’s desire to have a dwelling place for Himself in this world. A world where peace reigns, and where we work together and help one another.

A world where we all “serve Him with one shoulder.” (Tzefaniah 3; 9) A world where goodness and kindness prevails, “for the entire world will be filled with awareness of G-d, just as the waters cover the sea.” (Isaiah 11; 9)

May it happen very soon.

About the Author
The author lives in Toronto, Canada. He has written for