“Hineni”- Here I Am (Sonnet with a Refrain)
“Hineni”- Here I Am (Sonnet with a Refrain)
In Tribute to Rabbi Moishe New of the Montreal Torah Center: Who, when asked how he is, responded,” I am here”.
Moses’ response to G-d is a refrain:
“Here I am,” Moses replied to the call.
From generation to generation,
For all Your requests, I will give my all.
Who am I, L-rd, but to do Your will
But, am I capable to fulfill
All that You set before me to transmit,
For the burning bush to be forever lit?
In the souls of all whom I encounter,
To stir every soul to its Founder
Of conscience that must awaken and arise
To the grand mission, that all of us, ties
For a purpose which seems beyond our ken,
Yet, to realize it, again and again.
That the conscience must awaken and arise
To the grand mission, that all of us, ties.
Then, all that You set before me to transmit
Will keep the burning bush forever lit.