How Can I?
Even though I own a car, I choose, on many occasions, to walk into town when I need to run errands.
I do it because of what I see and experience along the way. This simple walk becomes a journey each time I embark on it, a journey to rediscover and reaffirm the right decision in coming back to Eretz Yisrael.
It should take no more than about 15-20 minutes of a brisk walk to get to my destination. The journey, however, ends up taking much longer. I guess one loses track of time when one enters the path of rediscovering and falling in love over and over again with a nation, with a place, with a HOME..
How can I just continue to walk by the young mother who is pushing a stroller where a cheerful young baby is smiling at me? How can I not stop and return a smile, bend down and play with or hold the hand of that tiny miracle, that tiny spark of hope for Israel and my Jewish people?
How can I pass by a group of young teenagers without stopping to caress them with my eyes and express a silent prayer asking G-d to watch over them and keep them safe for many years to come?
How can I not stop and offer help to the elderly lady who is carrying the heavy load of groceries and help relieve, at least momentarily, her worries about the hardships of life?
How can I not stop and marvel at these wonderful, brave people, my brothers and sisters who, by no choice of their own. were born in this country, where survival is at time miraculous? How can I stop the urge to hug them, hold their hands, wipe the furrows of fret off their tired faces, heal their scars, pat on their shoulders and reassure them that all will be well?
How can I not stop and congratulate those I end up striking a conversation with on their decision to move back Home when I find out that they only recently arrived to this country?
How can I ever stop loving my people? How can I ever stop loving my country? How can I ever stop loving my HOME!?