How can one help Israel ?
The recent evacuation of Amona has left me in quandary.
As a frequent visitor to Israel how can one express a point of view in such a way that it is of any use or serves to help in such a situation?
Having grown up and living in a foreign country of what possible help can such a person’s perspective be of any use ? Given that good intentions are at the root of any such advice does their expression serve any purpose?
Though I committed to not making any comment on Israeli politics in this blog, I think that expressing my admiration for the conduct of the Israeli security forces in this situation does not violate this promise.
Their primary focus should be on safeguarding Israel’s borders and internal security.
The other point which struck me was the long advance time lines available for decisions to have been made by all sides and the lack of such concrete progress prior to the dramatic events which resulted in necessary eleventh hour events.
The citizen of any modern society could be excused for assuming that the responsibility for such inaction lays at the feet of the governing authorities who having the superior resources of power and authority must it must be assumed have shirked their responsibility.
However, is it possible that in a society such as Israel’s with all the concomitant dilution of clear lines of accountability in successive coalition governments such accountability is obfuscated.
Nonetheless, does such a review of things from the perspective of a foreign visitor accomplish anything?
In short, how can expressing one’s views on such matters help Israel?