Farid Ghadry

How dumb is the New York Times?

We all understand that reporters report the news, but editors of the New York Times have made a habit of reporting the Assad propaganda as news. What happened today sheds the best light on this matter.

The Assad regime announced this morning (Damascus time) it is releasing 200 families in Homs. The headline in the NY Times “Syrian City to Receive Aid, Officials Sayleaves no doubt as to the free good press Assad is getting from the western media that easily falls for his ruses.

Past 1pm Damascus time, when these 200 families heard they can leave the besieged city with their starved women and children, the Assad regime fired on them possibly killing and injuring many.

To all those bright editors at the New York Times that have entrusted themselves with reporting the news, do you mind reporting what Assad claims to do AFTER THE FACT?

Unless you are in business to report the propaganda of a mass murderer and a terrorist.

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