Ana Gutierrez
professional wanderer, freelance writer, dog lover.

How it all started

Hello there 🙂

Thanks for stopping by, I don’t know what brought you here, but I’m going to do my best to write good posts so you will decide to comeback.

Israeli people love Israel because it is their homeland, Jewish people love Israel because it is their own Jewish state, but people like me, love Israel because we have found there, our second home, our dream land, our reason to fight, our reason to keep trusting in God.

The first time I landed in Israel, I was only 2, but then I got the chance to comeback when I was 18, and then when I was 19. Being a grown up woman, and having the chance to walk around Jerusalem, was one of the best gifts my dad has ever given me on my birthday.

To wake up on the cold mornings of Galilee, and to see the sunset at the Dead Sea, it’s a great way of living. Wandering around the Jewish market behind the Western Wall, and crossing ways to all kind of people, Muslims, Beduins, Jewish, Christians, Agnostics and more, it gives you the feeling you are at a place where you can be yourself and not be judged at all.

I love Israel because they have a special Shabbat elevator in every hotel I have stayed at. I love Israel because their food is creative and delicious. I love Israel because even though my hebrew is poor and rusty, I got to buy my dad’s coke with the help of a complete stranger who decided to help a lost tourist.

I love Israel because they are fair about their media exposition, though the world is media-wise not fair towards Israel. I love Israel because during 4 years of following their news, they have never, not even once, lied to me. I love Israel because they managed to keep their native language alive.

If someone asks me today why I love Israel this much, my first answer would be: Because Israel loves me back, and embraces me everytime I go to visit. Because Israel is a democratic country in the middle of so much unfairness. And because Israel is the country my God loves as well.

Today I start to write about Israel, about all the wonderful things, and the not so wonderful ones, about the country that has stolen my mind and heart.

Best stamp ever on my baby passport.
Best stamp ever on my baby passport.
About the Author
Ana is a curious girl that after exploring Israel and pursuing an MA in TAU during 2017/18, also found her life partner in a museum in Jerusalem. In the middle of a pandemia, and a world crisis, she married her Jerusalemite lion and moved to Israel for good. She writes about her experiences as a wife, as a foreigner in the Holy Land and as a woman exploring life.
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