How Should Jews in America React to Rising Antisemitism?
Jews in America can either mingle into their surrounding society so as not to stand out, and by doing so, try to avoid various forthcoming blows; or they can be strong Jews, demanding what is rightfully theirs and not giving into anything else.
Contrary to what some people think, that projecting an attitude of Jewish strength would awaken double the amount of hatred toward us, it is not the case. We need to understand that we have a rightful place as a Jewish nation and a Jewish state on this planet, and show such a presence to the world.
By realizing what brings us together as a Jewish nation—unity (“love your neighbor as yourself”) above differences (“love will cover all crimes”) in order to become a conduit for such unity to spread globally (to be “a light unto the nations”)—we then realize what made us Jewish to begin with (the Hebrew word for “Jew” [Yehudi] comes from the word for “united” [yihudi] [Yaarot Devash, Part 2, Drush no. 2]). We then become a critical mass within humanity that attracts and projects nature’s positive forces of love, bestowal and connection to humanity at large.
Therefore, being a strong Jew means understanding that we have a firm foundation in our hands, that our roots extend to the beginning of creation and we must remain here until its end, and the waves of antisemitism that pass over the planet will not change anything for us.