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How to help Adele Biton
This month marks a year since Yakir resident Adva Biton was traveling home from Ariel on Route 5, with her three young daughters after a visit with their mother and grandmother, when Arab terrorists hurled concrete blocks at the Bitons’ car, causing it to swerve and ram into a truck parked on the side of the road.
The impact was so severe that the Bitons’ car became trapped under the truck, with emergency services requiring an extended period of time to extricate the victims. While Adva and the two older daughters in the car were moderately wounded, little Adele, now three-years-old, suffered severe trauma and was listed in critical condition.
The road to recovery for Adele has been difficult to say the least. She remains in an unconscious state and in a wheel-chair, while receiving treatment at Ra’anana’s Loewenstein Hospital Rehabilitation Center. Her parents remain at her side around the clock, taking shifts looking after their precious daughter.
On a visit with the Biton’s at the hospital last week, Minister Naftali Bennett heaped praise on the members of Ra’anana’s Ohel Ari Synagogue community for caring for the family over the past year through visits, by preparing meals, and also taking shifts at the hospital giving the Biton parents a few hours a day to leave the hospital and tend to their other children.
I’ve also received word that the One Family Foundation, which has been working with Israeli victims of terror and their families since 2001, has also been highly involved in helping the Biton family through this difficult time in a variety of ways, including subsidizing the overwhelming medical expenses incurred.
The Bitons hope to bring their daughter home soon. However this can only happen once their house is completely refurbished to meet Adele’s needs. In a conversation I had with Adva this week, she told me that the renovation process could take up to six months.
I then asked Adva what we (the collective we –anyone anywhere in the world who comes across this column), can do to help during this arduous time. The list is very short but crucial.
- Adva asked that we continue to pray for her daughter’s complete recovery. Her Hebrew name is Adele Chaya Bat Adva. Adva is hopeful that one day Adele will return to being the bright-eyed smiling and laughing child she was before this horrific act of terror.
- Once Adele leaves the hospital (please G-d soon), she will need daily professional care and treatment at home. This will involve physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and more. Adva is currently trying to recruit specialists in the various fields who are willing to commit to coming to Yakir on a regular basis and oversee Adele’s personal therapy regimen. Adva was adamant that the family is NOT looking for volunteer workers, but professionals who will be hired to provide their services for pay.
Those are the Biton’s current requests and needs – prayer and the help to build a therapeutic team.
For those of you who are able to undertake the recitation of prayers for Adele’s recovery, I know that’s a personal matter.
For those who can provide the needed services, or have connections to those who might be willing and able, please be in touch with me by email so I can share that important information with the family.
Please spread the word.
Thanking you in advance, and Tizku Le’mitzvot