Kenneth Cohen

Humble Beginnings

There was great apprehension by Yakov Avinu to the idea that he would once again have to leave Eretz Yisrael. Hashem needed to give him assurances that this was part of the Divine plan.

He is told not to be afraid to go down to Egypt. G-d tells him that he will make a great nation from his descendants. The seventy Jews that went down to Egypt would become 600,000. It is remarkable that Israel’s population was 600,000 in 1948 and in 2024, there are now 7.7 million Jews living in Israel. We are living in miraculous times on so many levels.

Yakov is promised that he will also be brought up out of Egypt. It was necessary for this process of exile and redemption to take place. We needed to begin as a nation in the most humble manner, so that we would always realize that we are Hashem’s messengers.

Every year at the Passover Seder, we recite the words, “We were slaves in Egypt.” And if G-d had not taken us out, we would still be there.

We would do well to remind ourselves of our own humble beginnings. We must stay away from arrogance and haughtiness in the worst way. If we give in to such arrogance, we will fail.
Normally, it is correct to be fearful of having to live outside of Israel. Yakov’s situation was unique and clearly mandated by G-d. We must realize and be reminded that the safest place for a Jew to live is in Eretz Yisrael.

About the Author
Rabbi Cohen has been a Torah instructor at Machon Meir, Jerusalem, for over twenty years while also teaching a Talmud class in the Shtieblach of Old Katamon. Before coming to Israel, he was the founding rabbi of Young Israel of Century City, Los Angeles. He recently published a series of Hebrew language-learning apps, which are available at