I Am Blessed
Today, I am grateful for the dough rising on my table; the food cooking on my stove; the son, on the bus on his way home from the army.
Today, I am blessed with the cold weather, just as I am blessed with the hot weather in winter.
Today, I am grateful for the chance to see my granddaughter eat a clementine…yes, something that simple.
Today, I am blessed to have awakened, recharged, re-devoted to the life I have built.
Today, I am grateful for the warm shoes and socks I have on my feet, the layers of clothing I am wearing.
Today, I am blessed that my children are safe, my home is warm, my refrigerator full of food, my pantry stocked.
Today, I am grateful for the trees that are beginning to grow leaves and remind me that even on the coldest week…spring and summer will come soon.
Today, I am blessed not only with the material things in life, but with health. A bit of pneumonia, a cold, a virus, whatever…but health overall, is the truest of blessings.
Today, I am grateful that Hashem gave me the words to explain the voice inside of me. I may not always say what others want to read, but the ability to form thoughts into words is an incredible blessing.
Today, I am blessed to live in a country dedicated to life, to science, to innovation.
Today, I am grateful that I live moments from Jerusalem, a city that lives not only in my heart, but in the hearts of millions around the world.
Today, I am blessed to have reached the age I have, lived the life I have, and most of all blessed to believe that as good as today is, tomorrow has the potential to be even better.
Today, I am grateful for a life that is full and blessed and overall happy.
Today, I am blessed with a semi-productive week gone and the promise of one already taking shape.
Today, I am grateful for neighbors that care, strangers that run to defend and protect.
Today, I am blessed with the simplicity of a heater in my living room, making the room nice and warm.
Today, I am grateful to live in a true democracy, where people who are against my country and the way of life we have built here, are safe walking in the streets of our cities and speaking on the platform before the very top levels of government…because each is given the right to have a voice.
Today, I am blessed the sun rose over my beautiful city and that in the distance, I can see the mountains of the Judean Desert on one side, and Jerusalem on the other.
Today, I am so very grateful for what Hashem has made me — a woman, a daughter, a wife, a mother, a grandmother, a Jew, and Israeli. Me.
Today, I am blessed. Today, I am grateful.
If you can say that every day of your life…and you can…you have already defeated our enemies. Just that…today, I am blessed, today, I am grateful.