‘I told you guys to open the windows!’
This past winter, my husband and I were in for a surprise. After the heavy rain hit, we woke up to our walls and ceilings covered in scary small black circles. Suddenly I smelled something unpleasant. I glanced up and behold, the walls and ceilings were covered with an insane amount of mold.
I called the landlord immediately and informed him of our urgent predicament — “I told you guys to open the windows! — ” אמרתי לכם לפתוח את החלון”, he said.
Later that day, we bleached the entire apartment and opened the windows for a couple of hours. The mold has returned in small doses, so we have reapplied bleach and opened the windows once again. The mold has also spread onto our bags and shoes. Currently, the apartment is externally mold free but may still have mold inside the inner walls.
Was lack of ventilation the cause of our dilemma, maybe the windows are not ceiled properly because the mold had spread from three windows, or maybe this happened because the apartment is over 50 years old.
I’m now slightly traumatized to leave my items in certain areas and I even panicked when I saw black circles in a public bathroom.
I have heard that most apartments in Israel have mold, so beware people!
Solution: I am unsure if ventilation would rid us of mold if there is a possibility that it’s in the inner walls. For our health, I think that the best solution would be to move apartments. I’m honestly sad that this had to happen because I fell in love with this apartment when we first moved in.