Ron Litchman
Heterodoxies . . . Unorthodox Advocacy

If I Were Sinwar’s Speechwriter (Part II) . . ..

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. . . . I thank the Merciful that I am not.

But if I were, it would sound like this

My Brothers and Sisters of Palestine!! And Brothers and Sisters of our jihad around the world!!

“I speak to you from deep under Rafah, where I faithfully observed Ramadan.

“And where I humbly accept Protection from the genocidal Zionists who are amassing to murder me – as they have already murdered and martyred so many thousands of our people and our valiant fighters.

“Still, I rejoice! It was a joyous Ramadan.

“Just as we were  delivered the Scripture on the first Ramadan, this year, for our devoted worship, we have been delivered victories beyond our expectations.

“Biden and Blinken have sided with our demand that the Zionists immediately end their terrorist war against us and withdraw out of Gaza.

“Biden and his gang are holding back the Zionist crusaders from massacring Rafah and decimating the millions of Gazans they themselves forced to concentrate here by destroying their homes in the North.

“Biden will “sanction” the Zionist fanatics of the Netzach Yehuda battalion of the Zionist army. He will take away their American weapons! Never has a American president interfered in the Zionist army.

“He will recognize our Palestinian state. Our Palestinian state.

“Our jihad has won!“

“The world is done weeping for the Zionists whose blood we righteously spilled, whose bodies we righteously defiled, on October 7th. The world now agrees that the Zionists brought that on themselves by their oppressive occupation of our land and our people, and that we were justified in striking back in desperation.

“Our righteous strike against the Zionists on October 7th has brought us nearer to our Palestinian state than anything we have done before.

“The world has forgotten the captives we hold. Their captivity is small, compared to the decades of oppression and captivity our people have suffered in Gaza, that “open air prison” under the Zionists’ occupation.

“Those captives mean nothing to us. They are merely useful.

“They are our bargaining coin. They’re our property. To bargain, and sell them. Or like livestock, to breed, to slaughter.

“They create pressure against the Zionist regime to get them back. As the pressure increase, we raise our price. We raise our demands. When the Zionists are willing to pay 10 or 20 of our fighters for one of them, we demand 30 or 40. And when they agree to that, we demand 50 or 60. We demand they surrender Gaza – to us. We demand that they rebuild what they destroyed.

“Those who pressure the Zionist regime from within advance our cause by undermining the regime sworn to exterminate us.

“Whenever their pressure subsides, we announce that a captive has died, or release a video showing one has been maimed. And calls for surrender intensify anew.

“Our jihad has triumphed!

“It has triumphed even among the children of America who have risen up in their own “intifada” on their college campuses in sympathy with our cause. They, too, have drawn Zionist blood.

“Listen here: Schumer calls for the overthrow of the Zionist regime amassed against us.  Schumer is Hamas!

“When Biden was asked to “condemn” their student uprising, he replied “I condemn those who don’t understand what’s going on with the Palestinians.” Biden is Hamas!

“Our people have suffered greatly. Many of us have been martyred. We revere them. Sacrificing them was necessary.  We made the world blame their deaths on  the Zionists, not us.  The world accuses the Zionists, not us, of genocide.

“Brothers and Sisters of Palestinian: Keep courage. Resist, resist against all the Zionist force assembled against us. Hold out. Victory is near.

“It won’t be long before we prevail, for the West is crumbling before eyes, and soon Zionism — and all the Zionists — will be no more.

About the Author
© 2024 Ron Litchman, B.A., Northwestern University (Evanston, Illinois, USA) J.D., The George Washington University, (Washington, D.C. USA). Chair, the Manhattan (NY City) Libertarian Party, 2016-2018.