Varda Epstein

If You Voted For Obama

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why he supports the Hamas/Fatah unity government even as Hamas rains rockets on Southern Israeli civilians.

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him how many rockets have to fall before he pulls the funding from the Hamas/Fatah unity government.

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him what it means when Jen Psaki says he is watching the Hamas/Fatah unity government closely.

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why he is funding the Hamas/Fatah unity government if Fatah is unable to do anything about Hamas’ missile-launching spree.

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why he is funding the Hamas/Fatah unity government if Hamas controls Gaza and Hamas rains endless numbers of rockets on Southern Israel.

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why he continues to support the Hamas/Fatah unity government now that a U.S. citizen, a minor, has been abducted by Hamas.

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him why Canada condemned the kidnapping of three young boys while he remains silent.

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him if he is able to point to this kidnapping and state unequivocally that it is terror.

If you voted for Obama, you may want to ask him if he can state that the kidnappings are not Israel’s fault but a matter of pure terror, by one party alone.

Because if he can’t name the kidnappings and rockets for what they are: pure unadulterated one-sided terror alone, he is blaming the rape victim for the rape.

The enemy rapes us daily, for years on end. And like an unwilling rape victim in a Muslim country, we are told to marry our rapist, or hang in the condemnatory atmosphere of world isolation.

If you voted for Obama, you voted for our slow torture. You keep us awake at night, twisting and turning, worrying for the safety of our children, begging us to adopt a false narrative that makes no sense whatsoever.

We are not the stumbling block to peace. We ARE peace.

If you voted for Obama, you voted against peace.


Three kidnapped Israeli teens, from L-R: Eyal Yifrach, 19, Naftali Frenkel, 16, and Gil-ad Shaar, 16. (photo credit: courtesy) Read more: Netanyahu: Hamas behind kidnapping of three teenagers | The Times of Israel Follow us: @timesofisrael on Twitter | timesofisrael on Facebook
Three kidnapped Israeli teens, from L-R: Eyal Yifrach, 19, Naftali Frenkel, 16, and Gil-ad Shaar, 16. (photo credit: courtesy)



About the Author
Varda Epstein is a blogger and Communications Writer for
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