David Rosenthal
Media Personality

In the desert and at sea

“Perhaps the greatest lesson of history is that no one learned the lessons of history.”
-Aldous Leonard Huxley

In the desert, mankind was once found. Sumer, Chaldea, Mesopotamia, Babylon, Israel as well as the Bedouin peoples, later converted to Islam (and others who continued as outcasts in the desert). It was not all desert, the most important thing is undoubtedly water and fertile land.

The whole biblical story is based on the desert as a common place of space and time. The sand preserves the purest and most ancient history of mankind. To be able to walk through those places where there was a significant contribution to humanity is invaluable.

The sea is not far behind. Not all civilisation arrived there, through trade and expeditions, through necessity and the desire for expansion natural to some mortals (not all).

Port cities and ports in general are the meaning of history at its finest. Once upon a time in those ports the most innovative of human creation arrived and transformed little by little the world as we know it.

The desert and the sea are untouched, unchanging places, full of meaning, full of history. They cannot be missed and must always be missed after having seen them once.

Lack of knowledge does not exempt the guilty from possessing it. In the desert and on the sea they fought with it. Men like Homer or rather legends like Homer took care of it. The whole way of being of the Western world is Greek and Hebrew as a root, as a basis, as an origin. Then from this root emerged Rome and Christianity. Likewise Greece and Judaism came from there, from the sea and the desert.

A common phenomenon is that most of those who inhabit the world are insignificant agents who do not know the root and therefore the becoming and the future. But, the men who transformed the world like Abraham and Moshe, as well as Socrates, Aristotle and Plato were different. They could in no way be like the rest.

It is those men and women who decide to create new paths who transform society itself. In many cases these people who walk not parallel but perpendicularly, almost even in reverse, are the chosen ones of change, of the transformation necessary to move forward, to transcend.

Like the desert and the sea, they impact their small universe in different ways. A couple of men have changed history. One pair out of hundreds of millions.

And unwittingly man becomes legend and legend becomes man. In the annals of history, in the manuscripts of humanity, in the hearts of mortals and in the reason of new explorers lie the names of those who were once or always rejected.

In the history of the indescribable desert and of the even more imposing sea are the remains that are still alive and well and that coexist with the most recent.

Water and sand. Man and legend. History of humanity, the construction of what will one day be forgotten, but will never cease to be ours.


About the Author
Political scientist, international analyst, researcher, journalist and columnist in various media in Latin America, Spain and Israel. Historical researcher and presenter of "Los pasos de Sefarad en el Nuevo Mundo", a radio program on Radio Sefarad of Spain about the Sephardic heritage in America and the Caribbean. He is also a lecturer on many subjects, such as History, Literature, Judaism, and Israel. He also hosts a history program on Israel's national radio station, Radio KAN, in its Spanish version.
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