Alan Weinkrantz

Innovation and Cool Startups Showcased at Israel Dealmakers Summit – NYC

Five companies especially stood out from the more than 250 Israeli firms at the event
Illustrative. A software developer at an Israeli start-up working on a project. (Gili Yaari/Flash90)
Illustrative. A software developer at an Israeli start-up working on a project. (Gili Yaari/Flash90)

In my role for the Rackspace Startups program in Israel, I get to got to lots of meetups, conferences and events to meet and connect with new startups doing cool things.

At the Israel Dealmakers Summit in New York, I interviewed a series of startups including:

  • Switch – think of it as Tinder, but for tech related jobs – both for the possible job candidate to be and prospective employers.
  • Telemessage – think of it as SnapChat, but for the enterprise
  • VocaVu – which takes radio broadcasts and turns them into written documents so broadcasters can develop value added content for the web.
  • VocalZoom – who is working with major OEMs to dramatically increase the quality of audio and eliminate background noise in cars, on mobile phones, headsets and other applications.
  • ViewBix – a do it yourself platform for brands and agencies to drive deeper engagement on your desktop or mobile device.




About the Author
Alan Weinkrantz is a Tech PR / Startup Communications advisor to Israeli and U.S. companies, and is the Brand Ambassador and Senior Advisor for James Brehm & Associates, one of the leading IoT (Internet of Things) strategy and consulting firms.
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