Kitty Crosby

Is anyone ever Jewish enough?

Let the preparations for Shabbat begin! The bread is rising. Soup is slow simmering, vegetarian and kosher.  Now I sit and look over the variety of Jewish Blogs out there in the world of cyber information. Then at my very Scottish looking, blond and redhead children, I wonder… what exactly is Jewish? Who am I to think I am Jewish enough to blog?

One of my favorite blogs to follow is that of Dr. Mayim Bialik. She is smart, thus the PhD. She is funny both on screen and in her blog. Yet she somehow manages to work as an actress and practice her religion to the best of her ability. Some followers of hers are like me and find her dedication to her convictions inspirational.  Never the less, there are those for whom her shear sleeves are a disgrace, her skirt too short, attachment parenting must surely be the cause of her divorce, not enough of this or too much that. Again, what exactly defines anyone as Jewish?

Being a convert somewhere between Reform and Conservative will never make me Jewish to many Orthodox. My nationality is primarily Scottish and Danish. I even know how to converse and curse in Gaelic.  Definitely not a proper Jewish trait I am sure! My Hebrew is choppy not to mention I have a deep southern accent but that is to be addressed in another blog.

What makes a Jew a Jew? Is it the following of the Torah? Or is it the commitment to the Mitzvot that makes a person a Jew? I am not a child of Israel. I have my family tree back to 1525 but not far enough back to know if I am a decedent of one of the twelve sons of Jacob. My mother is Methodist and I am quite positive that is not part of the official definition.

What makes any of us any religion can be disputed by the sages forever.  We will never fit any single definition. I will never be biologically Jewish.  My Hebrew dialect will make many perfectly fluent in Hebrew roll their eyes. I have been known to show too much leg and arm skin. I can only hope that my dedication and intention will be favored by my G-d.  I aim to please no other. All I do know for a fact is that I am Jewish… by choice.

About the Author
Kitty Crosby is the Jewish Momma Blogger: a full time goddess of chaos and mayhem, mother, teacher, student, wife, gardener, very slow jogger, cat lady and friend. Blogging on the chaos of life as a Jewish Southern mother of teenagers.