Islamic-Left alliance-final episode
Part 3
Esau and Jacob-historical background
In the last chapter of this series, we concluded that the Western hard left, whether communist or not (a part of the green movement has also let itself be submerged in this hard left), carries the torch of Esau’s hatred of Jacob.
With Esau I here denote the Christian descendants of who the Jewish tradition identify as the Roman Catholic Church and its Western off shoots, in other words, the Christian lands of Europe and those of European descent.
And Jacob comes to denote the Jewish descendants of Jacob and his family.
The Sages said: It is a law that Esau hates Jacob-Halacha Esav sone le-yaakov. They didn’t say that it’s a law that Ishmael hates Jacob! This should be noted by anyone who is worried by an excessive focus on Muslims, in this discussion.
What was the original reason that Esau hated Jacob? The original reason was that he felt that Jacob had stolen his birthright and robbed him of its accompanying blessings.
Whether one subscribes to this biblical and exegetical narrative or not, what we are discussing is an age-old hatred which mutates into differing ideologies, has immense surviving power and has always supplied a moral alternative to Judaism, aside from its physical war against the Jews.
This moral alternative of Esau to Jacob’s monotheistic agenda has been supplied by the Hellenists (who later influenced the Romans), the Catholic Church, the Nazis and Communism.
It is now mainly the modern off-shoots of Communism, which are no longer necessarily communist per se but constitute the remaining hard-left in the West, which still wants to challenge Jacob and his birthright.
The Western Hard-Left
What is the hard-left nowadays? After at least a hundred million dead from famines, mass killings and labor camps, political oppression and dictatorship all over the globe, during most of the 20th century less and less people are willing or able to do the mental gymnastics of defending Communism as an ideology anymore.
So what remains the goal of the Hard-Left? The goal is, as was the goal of communism, to destroy the Western Bourgeois Capitalist System, to usher in a new era of secular utopianism, where there are no more differences in outcome between different groups in society.
The project of demoralizing the West and weakening it from within has now moved to the dissemination of ideas that the former KGB spy Yuri Besmanov alluded to in his famous interview when he spoke about “socialist subversion”. He witnessed the tactic employed by the KGB to disseminate Marxist-Leninist ideas which are post-modern and Western in their origin, but not widely shared among the general population.
The general thrust of post-modernism is that there is no single truth, but that every group has their own truth. The ideas that are promulgated at universities and in the educational system are anti-Western and anti-patriotic, and the people that adhere to these ideas are deeply embedded in society.
This post-modernist project got headway in the 1960’s and has now reached full bloom, so to speak, with minors changing their gender, and schools being more about therapy than promulgation of knowledge.
These ideas promote LGBTQ+ agendas, radical fourth-wave feminism, green anti-growth agendas, the identity politics of ethnic and racial identity, “positive discrimination” and so on and so forth.
The development of Esau’s relationship with Jacob
We see interesting historical developments after the Holocaust of World War 2, which undoubtedly was the apex of Esau’s war against the Jews. After this cataclysmic event there was considerable reckoning within the Christian world with Anti-Semitism and it was at least outlawed in the West and educational efforts were put into action to teach about the Holocaust and what led to it.
Furthermore, there were theological ripple effects of the incredible recovery of Jacob’s descendants after the war with the establishment of the State of Israel and the fact that this little state not only survived existential threats again and again but even thrived in these difficult conditions. This led many Christian groups, mainly Evangelical but extending as far as to the Catholic Church to acknowledge that the Jews still had a covenant with G-d and still had an important role to play.
As the war with Ishmael’s Muslim descendants intensified in the post-war era, this change on the part of Esau led many Jewish people to conclude that the era of Christian anti-Semitism was over.
The modern version of Christian anti-Semitism is secular in nature
Left-wing political thought has always been tinged with Anti-Semitism, even the kind which predates Marx and Marxism. A good example of this is the important Enlightenment thinker Voltaire (official name: François-Marie Arouet) who alongside his criticism of Christianity and the Catholic Church also espoused deeply Anti-Semitic views.
The Enlightenment strain of Anti-Semitism continued throughout socialism, in Marx himself no less, and except for temporary episodes of admiration for the Zionist socialist experiment, and even support for it for a brief period, reverted back to its Anti-Semitic stance.
The modern incantation of Left-wing anti-Semitism, so widely displayed around the world since October 7th, should therefore not come as a surprise to anyone, but many Jews seem shocked and dismayed by the fact that so many Christian left-wingers side with the barbaric terrorists of Hamas, and seem to think that this is a logical fallacy of some sort or that Israel is bad at promoting itself (doing Hasbara), or that the Left really does have a point. Maybe it’s the Jewish state’s fault that “Islamic Fundamentalism” is thriving in Gaza (never mind throughout the whole Muslim world where Jews have not set foot). The latter issue of the Jewish infatuation with the Enlightenment and Socialism and Communism is a subject for a whole article in itself.
The real source of Esau’s moral alternative to Jacob
But the main thrust here is that the Jews are seen as the embodiment of the anti-thesis to the alternative moral order. In days of old it was Christianity, then it was socialism (the Jewish religion was “money”, according to Marx) and now it is human rights and post-colonialism.
It’s very important for Esau to dethrone the Jews from their moral high-ground as G-d’s Chosen People, with the monotheistic message of a divine code of morally binding conduct.
Esau’s nature if wild at its core and it wants to be free of limitations. This is indeed the way that Esau was described in the Bible, as a hunter, who acted according to his instincts, to the extent that he sold his birthright to Jacob due to hunger (Genesis, 25:29-34).
This has permeated Hellenistic thought, Christians doing away with the commandments, Socialists doing away with a natural hierarchy, Enlightenment thinkers doing away with established norms and religion, and Fascism’s doing away with “the slave mentality” of putting limitations on the behavior of the strong in society.
Now the left-wing agenda, adhered to by Esau’s descendants, again turns on the Jews, and seeks to make the Jewish state enemy no 1. This has nothing to do with reality, because if human rights were the real issue these leftists would decry it in so many other places where there are far worse infringements of them. But this has everything to do with the historical struggle against Jacob from Esau’s descendants, against putting limitations on human behavior.