Luciano Mondino

Islamism has declared war on France

Identities trigger nights of terror in France

Anyone who has ever travelled to North Africa or the Middle East will have seen that their rules are their rules and must be respected. So why not in France?

Islam has declared war on Europe with a so far all-night attack on several cities in France. The kingdom that defeated Muslim expansion in the 8th century has now lost the battle against illegal immigration and Islamic extremists who despise living in a secular country, but don’t want to leave either.
The protests in France are lighting a fuse across Europe under a crisis that combines illegal immigration, civilisations that cannot assimilate and part of a young generation in the old continent that disbelieves in order in the face of the anarchy of the rest of the world. The assault and violence on French nights is shaping one of the historic epicentres of Western civilisation that has always been Greco-Roman and Judeo-Christian.
Europe’s major cities, at least in the West, are consolidating into the projection that by 2050 14% of the continent’s population will be Muslim and that translates into some 75 million inhabitants. To this, of course, it must be made clear that any statistics, especially in a country like France which is secular, are strongly linked to deductions often drawn from the nationalities from which migratory flows originate.
The latest (of France’s recurring) convulsions was triggered by the death of Nahel, a 17-year-old who had been charged with a crime and was escaping a police checkpoint in a sports car. The model of a welcoming, multicultural country has been shattered as demographics are disrupted, social calm is shattered and the French elements are defenestrated by waves of armed assailants.
It is also surprising that these nights of terror arise in the country that on 10 October 732, at the Battle of Poitiers, defeated the Muslim army and put an end to Vali Al-Ghafiqi, one of the strongest Muslim expansionist leaders since they conquered Hispania. France, the country that prevented the Islamisation of Europe in the 18th century, has lost the battle against the Islamists and is now beginning to see the consequences.
France is today the door that opens a dangerous box of surprises that can inflame nearby countries: there are Spanish cities such as Granada, Barcelona and Valencia where crime and vandalism caused by illegal immigration is beginning to grow exponentially, reaching almost daily situations such as those in the Balearic Islands. In the case of Barcelona, there is an increasing frequency that includes, moreover, the background of the attack on the synagogue during the first days of March. The illegal population in Spanish territory, of Maghrebi (Algerian-Moroccan) origin, is strongly connected to each other through social networks and any perception of offence can replicate images from France in Spanish cities. The same can be seen in Italy, Germany, the Netherlands or Belgium.

For almost half a century there has been a crystallisation of hostility towards the other by two worlds forced to coexist only because someone wants to impose an impossible, idyllic thing on today’s world. Periodically this hostility resurfaces in the offensive of identities against security forces and the triggers have been quite similar: from the rise of illegality by immigrants to the banning of the burkini in public swimming pools. There is always a reason to rise up against the Western way of life.

Add to this the reckless list of terrorist attacks that have been perpetrated in France from the 1980s to the present day, Charlie Hebdo being one of the most recent and lurid images. The germ that has entered Europe can kill with a media silencer and often with a lack of response from governments.

In the offensive of the identities, that is to say of the second or third generation French immigrants who do not feel French, the symbols under attack by the violent hordes are the symbols of the state: schools, government offices and police stations. Around 20:30 on Monday, July 3, a Catholic bookshop and shop was vandalised after being branded as a “fascist shop”.

There are also testimonies from French civilians whose properties were destroyed and who are already appealing for help through social networks to raise money to cover the costs of the disaster. It is estimated that there is a first assessment of damages valued at more than 20 million euros in public transport alone in the Ile de France. The losses will be in the millions when the damage is computed for the whole country as the country tries to resume a tense return to normality.

If the aggression was not against French identity then the arson attack on the Alcazar Library in Marseille, the largest in France and containing more than a million historical documents, is incomprehensible. Moreover, both the racism and social inequality arguments are proven wrong when it is known that France has one of the best Gini indices, a measure of economic inequality, in Europe, at 0.29.

Even if they are minorities within a civilisation that embraces peace and mercy, it is also true that they belong to a civilisation that cannot be assimilated with the Western European civilisation and culture that we have known until today. The recurrent upheaval in France is a problem of the construction of identities (which can be objects of political and religious manipulation) by imparting flows of jihadists ready to bring the holy war against the West to the very heart of Europe. I suggest watching on social media the endless calls by Islamic leaders for war against the West, in general, but France in particular.

It is also racist when a gang of Maghrebis assault a young Frenchman and kick him to death on the ground while those present laugh loudly. It is also horrifying when a Maghrebi drags a mother and her daughter to the ground as they enter their home. In this France of the last few nights, everything is truly horrifying.
This impossibility of assimilation is also based on the respectable imposition of Islamic countries on tourists to subordinate themselves to the rules of the state, but also of Muslim civilisation. Anyone who has ever travelled to North Africa or the Middle East will have seen that their rules are their rules and must be respected. So why not in France?
About the Author
Master's Degree in International Politics from the Complutense University of Madrid. Interested in transnational terrorism, organized crime, radicalism and the fight against anti-Semitism.
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