Barry Shaw

Israel Against Evil. Which Side Are You On?

The most moving and poignant picture​ I ever​ saw out of the horrors of Palestinian evil significantly between Yom Kippur and Succot was of two tiny babies in the arms of an IDF soldier.

​The baby twins were rescued by Israeli soldiers because their parents hid them in the closet, and they were found by the IDF forces 14 hours later. The parents, of course, had been murdered alongside another 1,200 Israelis and counting.

Had they been discovered, Palestinian slaughterers would have beheaded them, as they did to other Jewish babies.

Now, they have to grow up never knowing their mother or father, except perhaps knowing how they died.

I do not want to hear that Israel must act with rstraint.

I don​’t want to hear from pompous Europeans, who have never stood decively with Israel, but who want to lecture us how to conduct warfare and will drag us the the ICC if we don’t follow their rules.

They will not be our referee.

I don​’t want to hear from the Arab or Muslim world except to hear them condemn Palestinian anti-Semitism that leads to the slaughter of Jews.

As for others, know this. Israel is about to embark in a war in which we intend to eliminate Hamas.

We are ready to fight and die to eradicate the evil curse that is Hamas,
You are either with us, or against us.

If perchance Hamas is joined by Hezbollah we will double our resources to confront them as well.

Lebanon! You have been warned.

Syria! You have been warned.

Understand this! We are not the Jews of Kishinev. We are not the Jews of the Farhud.

We have learned the lesson of European and Arab and Muslim Jew hatred.

We are the next generation of the Holocaust, and we pledged, at Aushwitz – Never Again!

That Never Again happened the week after Yom Kippur, in a harrowing pogrom on the soil of our beloved land.

This was an unforgiveable sin which must be avenged.

There is going to be battle between good and evil.

This time the Jew does not have quivering knees.

​Ask youself, in your heart. which side are you on?

Barry Shaw,
International Public Diplomacy Director,
Israel Institute for Strategic Studies.

About the Author
Barry Shaw is the Senior Associate for Public Diplomacy at the Israel Institute for Strategic Studies. He is also the author of ‘Fighting Hamas, BDS and Anti-Semitism,' '1917. From Palestine to the Land of Israel, 'BDS for IDIOTS,' and his latest work 'A Tale of Love and Destiny,' the dramatic life of a Jewish heroine.