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Israel and the Biden-Harris’ America
When David Ben-Gurion, Israel’s first Prime Minister and Minister of Defense, declared the establishment of the State of Israel on 14 May 1948, he was well aware of a long tortuous journey ahead of Jews returning to their ancestral homeland.
Gurion was a man with a mission. On 26 May 1948, four days before the cabinet’s formal approval and take off on 31 May 1948, Gurion ordered the creation of the Israel Defense Forces.
Gurion was in a hurry and no-one in the provisional government cabinet doubted the urgency of his rationale for a national military force. Why? Two weeks earlier on the night of 13th May – just as Gurion was fine-tuning his independence speech – a combined troops of Lebanese, Egyptian, Syrian, Iraqis and Jordanian had invaded Israel from Lebanon. The same night, Tel Aviv was attacked. It was the beginning of what became known as the ‘first Israeli-Arabs war’, which ended on 10th March 1949. It was also Israel’s ‘first’ fight for survival. Israel won the war but lost as many as 6,000 – some one percent – of its citizens.
Seventy five years on, Israel is still fighting for its survival the only difference this time is that the ambiance of the latest war was fanned by the Biden-Harris Administration of the United States of America.
Let’s stop playing games, the decision by the Biden-Harris Administration to reopen talks on the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, a discredited Obama-era Iranian nuclear treaty framework, is a case in point. Also, the Biden-Harris Administration’s refusal to enforce sanctions embolden Iran, enriched its coffers by as much as $200 billion, according to an estimate.
With $200 billion in the kitty, Iran began to flex its muscles punching irrationally above its weight, resumed funding and logistics support for Hamas, Hezbollah, Houthis, and other Israel-hating terror groups in the Middle East.
Recall that the Biden-Harris Administration predecessor, the Trump Administration kept a firm grip on the situation in the Middle East. Under the Trump Administration, Iran was broke, belly-crawling, virtually cash-strapped as its citizens became restless. For the first time since Egypt and Israel signed a peace treaty in March 1979, there was an outbreak of peace in the Middle East with the signing of the Abraham Accords, a peace treaty between Israel and five Arab-Muslim states.
The Middle East was on a roll: there was an outbreak of confidence and optimism that, at last, the need for trade and economic opportunities and prosperity for people in the region has triumphed over endless armed conflicts. Israel, too, was enjoying a relative peace, making giant strides in technological innovation and inventions (notwithstanding sporadic rocket attacks from Hamas in Gaza).
That relative peace was shattered on October 7 2023 when the Hamas terror group invaded Israel and went of a killing spree of innocent people. 1,200 Israeli babies, expectant mothers, innocent men and women, young and old, were massacred, while 251 others were kidnapped. It was the worst attack on the Jewish state since the founding of the State of Israel in 1948. In my view, it was a mini-holocaust, the like that the world never thought it would see again.
To rub salts in the wounds, on October 8, barely 24 hours later, Hezbollah launched the first of its daily rocket attacks on northern Israel, a situation that led to the evacuation over 60,000 Israelis from their homes. For those who are not familiar with Israel and its geography, northern Israel represents approximately a third of the entire Jewish state – and who in their right mind would expect Israel to sit on its fingertips and not respond forcefully to Hezbollah’s attacks?
If I may digress. I have a particular affinity for northern Israel; the Galilee, is home to many places of interest to Christians, including the Sea of Galilee and the Jordan River. These are places dear to my heart; it is distressing and painful, therefore, to see people in this ancient and sacred region going to bed daily with one eye open in fear of being killed by Hezbollah rocket attacks!
Let’s go on. A year after the mini holocaust, Hezbollah rocket attacks, and hundreds of Iranian drone and missiles attacks, Israel is fighting for its life virtually on its own. It is Israel vs everyone else, with the West dilly-dally, totally unreliable. To say that the West has lost its moral compass is an understatement.
To put too fine a point on it, the weak and pathetic leadership of the West is to blame for the current crisis in the Middle East. The United States, Britain, France, Australia, Canada, etc, have all been sleeping at the wheels, half-hearted in their support for Israel. Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah have become the beautiful brides why Israel is the whipping boy!
The arrow-head of the West and leader of the free world is President Joe Biden, a shell of his former self. President Harry Truman, the first United States president to recognize the State of Israel in May 1948 would be turning over in his grave if he knew the contempt the Biden-Harris Admiration has for Israel and democratically elected Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. President Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, and Secretary of State Antony Blinken have done everything humanly possible to undermine Israel and Prime Minister Netanyahu at every level. They have mastered the art of parroting the well-worn “Israel has the right to defend itself” mantra but, in reality, never wanted Israel to win.
Just last summer, major western cities most notably American cities, college and university campuses were a safe haven for anti-Israel and anti-American protests by the ‘the river to the sea’ Jewish haters or ‘Hitler youth’, as one American radio talk host, Mark Levin, would label them. Who would have thought that the American and Israeli flags would be burnt openly on the American soils with impunity? Who would have thought that flags of Hamas and Hezbollah would be flying on college and university campuses in the United States? Who would have thought that a US Vice President would refuse to sit over a meeting of a joint session of the congress when PM Netanyahu was invited to address the US lawmakers – Harris’ only constitutional duty as president of the US Senate? Harris’ action was stupid, petty and pathetic.
The Biden-Harris Administration supports Israel broadly, but undermines it openly. The Administration has withheld, suspended, or delayed critical ammunitions including those already paid for by Israel (and despite repeated demands by prominent US legislators). The Administration has imposed sanctions on Israeli citizens and outfits including Finkelstein Metals, an Israeli company that makes critical components for the Iron Dome air defense system.
The Biden-Harris Administration has insisted that the IDF medicates the same side they are fighting, an insane condition that no other military will accept. Such was the pressure on Israel that the Biden-Harris Administration “threatened to cut off aid to Israel’s military, including arms shipments, if the Jewish state does not boost the delivery of humanitarian aid into the battle-torn Gaza Strip”, according to a US news report.
What is more, despite hundreds of Iranian drone and missile attacks on Israel twice, and a drone blitz on the home of PM Netanyahu, the Biden-Harris Administration demanded that Israel takes a softly, softly approach to any retaliatory strikes against Iran. Israel rightfully ignored this demand and, the other day, carried out retaliatory strikes against Iran’s military targets – crippling missile production factories and air defenses. Israel’s strikes took place AFTER the United States had leak confidential intelligence reports on Israel’s retaliatory targets to Iran. No sovereign nation and its elected leader have been so humiliated, insulted and disrespected.
The share scale of the Biden-Harris Administration’s appeasement of Iran is breathtaking, the like that the world has not seen since Neville Chamberlain ‘peace for our time’ agreement he signed with Nazi Germany in 1938!
Ironically, Iran could care less as it continues to roughshod over the Biden-Harris Administration – and thumbs its nose at the West. It beggars belief.
I thank God for Israel and its leadership. I cannot thank God enough for Prime Minister Netanyahu who, like Gurion, dares to roar where angels fear to whisper. I often call Netanyahu Winston Churchill reincarnated! PM Netanyahu is a Leader’s leader. If he had listened to Biden, Harris and Blinken and a bunch of other western leaders, the IDF would not have achieved the victory against the leadership of Hamas and Hezbollah that we have seen in the past weeks. If you ask me, Netanyahu’s Israel has saved Biden’s bacon!
The time has come for Israel to carry out a root and branch review of its “strategic” relationship with the United States. Israel must remind the Biden-Harris Administration that it is a sovereign nation and would resist being treated as a poodle for political expediency. Enough is enough.
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