Marc Daniels

The Tree of Israel: luring us back to the Garden


Last week, a Coca Cola commercial aired during the Super Bowl, which stirred upon a lot of controversy. It had less to do with language but more to do with what it is about the American culture that makes America so strong. People from all over the world coming together to integrate into a unifying way of life. They rejoice in diversity, but excel in our ability to feel each other as one. Part of this oneness means being able to understand each other, and to build a pluralistic society much greater than the some of our parts. This is not the first time Coca Cola has been trying to get us all to sing in perfect harmony. There is depth in the combination of our global languages, fitting for a global brand that is as much at home in Arabia as in Israel. The strength comes from our diversity; our oneness comes a common dream, where ideas, cultures, and visions flow together.

This is the American Dream and people continue to flow to America for attaining the freedom to pursue it.   Unfortunately, this has resulted in a certain amount of tension due to culture and religious conflict. The pushback is manifesting itself in fundamentalism, fear, and racism. In order for our soul to grow, in America and around the world, we need to evolve. Back in the late 1960’s the flower children generation were amongst the first to feel this cultural warming.

This was when Joni Michell wrote “Back to the Garden”
Almost fifty years later, many of us still feel like stardust, still looking for our way back to the Garden and caught in the devil’s bargain: scapegoating, hatred, reactive hatred, racism, and waging war.

We need to evolve from the freedom of religious expression, to the freedom of tapping (or not to tap) our respective spiritual roots back to the source. Spirituality is the internality of all religions. Intentions will all flow back to Jerusalem one day for attaining spiritual freedom of reconnection. Rising above hatred; rising above domination, rising above racism.   This is why the Weed Out Hate Initiative was created:

Weeding out hate and sowing the seeds of peace is a symbolic means of bridging the differences in all religions. It is an act of solidarity, of protest and a prayer, for unclogging and disentangling our respective spiritual roots, for illuminating our pathways back to the Garden.  If everyone were to practice their respective religious rituals with this kind of intention, the world would be a much better place.

When it comes to the nature of our roots feeding into Jerusalem, we are all a bit Jewish. These are the roots from whence he sprouted and the same roots through which we shall stream back again as one soul, one heart.

Our first job is to reconnect with our Jewish soul mates all over the world. We are all global ambassadors and must protect and strengthen our roots, and protect them.  We must unclog and disentangle them for the global spiritual Aliyah of humankind, which lies ahead.


The same way John F. Kennedy created physical fitness programs in the United States; Israel can help us create a global spiritual fitness program: teaching us to rise above our egoism, each according to our cultures and religions; learning to root out our inner weeds. Two thousand years in exile. That is a very long time, transplanting our Wandering Jew shoots all over the world.  The time is coming for streaming eight billion spiritual intentions back through these shoots back  to the Jerusalem Garden. After almost 6,000 years we would have strengthened our roots, we would have built up our resistance for tasting that once forbidden fruit connection with the Creator.

About the Author
As the eldest grandson of Ross Daniels, the inventor of a horticultural irrigation tool for deep watering and feeding at the deepest roots, Marc spent the first half of his career learning about global gardening and gardener's trends. Ten years ago, he began thinking about how to take his grandfather's vision to the next level, for inspiring humanity to weed out hate and sow the seeds of peace through spiritual gardening.